Worgen Customization Mega Thread

One of the big issues people are missing is Worgen got almost no changes to the customization of our core/main form, the look we are forced into in combat. Yes it was nice that we can customize our human form separately but had Blizzard not done that due to all the time and effort put into humans the shear amount of human looks would hardly start to match the number of Worgen looks. But 7 skin colors and a handful of eye colors is hardly anything to make our characters look unique. We are still locked into the same small size as the other Alliance tall races and lost in the crowd. 1 foot 2 inches might not sound like a lot but it makes a difference that is noticeable just like an optional tail would make little to no impact on the model but the profile it would give would be noticeable to those who want it. If only Blizzard would care and take 10 seconds to respond to a single Worgen request rather than ignore thousands of posters.


But they were introduced to the game like that and stayed that way until the advent of Thrall’s new model. So everyone asked for their orcs to be stretched out to look like the green gzuis model.

And for me, it breaks the bestial image I have of orcs. But that doesn’t stop my game or it prevents me from sleeping. Nor is it something that makes an orc user perform better than me just for that.

I also understand that many of these requests may not be timely or that they may be answered soon™, during Shadowlands or long after shadowland.

But the worgen’s alpha model was very promising and was discarded due to lack of time, resources, by people who asked for a more fierce model (which resulted in that abortion that we had to use for 10 years without any prospect of repair), and for others reasons, for not being a priority and that we would have now, a good change to address our opinions of how it would look better.

This! :point_up_2:

As someone who uses the female worgen model when I play Alliance other then void/night elves. When I play my worgen I stick to my worgen form for the majority of the time. I like my worgen form but would like a tail and some more hair options for said form. The only time i’m in my human form is for RP reasons and even then. With the newer models Its rare I ever change to it.

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This and more this! We are playing Worgen for Worgen not for the human customisation. Otherwise we’d just play as humans.


This is a big thing too. Lore-wise Worgen are 8 feet tall… That is taller than even some Night Elves, so why can’t this be shown in-game?

Why are the freaking Kul’Tirans taller than the hulking, werewolf monsters? That makes no sense to me. The Zandalari are 8 feet in-game so why can’t Worgen be?


If your argument is that orcs already set a precedent that blizz is willing to do large customization changes so large customization changes are not a good argument against tails, then okay. Any more than that and we’ll have to agree to disagree.

:expressionless: Nightborne and other allied races didn’t get anything.

A corpse becoming a slightly less decayed (nonsensically decayed mind you) corpse… Is changing the base form of the race?

Seen you in a few threads and I just don’t get your opinions.

Because why? Is it seeing it that bugs you? What affects you?

Yes. Go ask for things.

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I touched basis on this in my video with what Blizzard could do customization wise with worgen tails if they ever went all out for us.

Just leaving this here because this was exactly the type of stuff I envisioned (save for the curly tails but still!)

Credits to @ZiphoraGoldfang on Twitter!


Unless I am literally zooming in to look at another person’s character, I hardly even notice what they look like. I don’t see how others using a tail should effect those who don’t use them that much :woman_shrugging:

Give worgens what they deserve! Tails, more fur colors, accessories, a chiropractor!

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With how extremely limited hair styles are for worgens, custom tails would be really good. We already see custom tails being a thing for draeneis, so why not expand that to worgens and not just have it as a draenei exclusive thing!
I call dibs on the whispy tail!


Well if Nightborne are anything like Worgen you will only have to wait 10 years for your first options. Don’t worry it sucks. Hopefully not though as I hate the idea that Nightborne are the Worgen of the Horde right now and suffering the same neglect Worgen did for years.


I have to say that the upright orcs have now ruined WoW because everyone wants an upright version of their race, lol.

Darkspear trolls and worgen should stay hunched imo because it fits. Having either of them upright would look so weird to me as your upright pic proves. That upright male worgen looks like he got something up his butt and doesn’t look natural. I wouldn’t want to play that. The female looks O.K. from the front but what does she look like from the side?

I would wait till maybe 9.1 because they said there would be more cosmetics but not at launch of Shadowlands. I think they said this was phase one or something like that.

I don’t play Alliance so don’t know what you guys like but I think some races should stay hunched like the worgen and trolls. Upright doesn’t fit what I picture them as. But if the majority of you guys like it then it will probably happen so keep voicing your likes.

To each their own.

So we’ve got another thread about tails. :roll_eyes:

Worgen in this universe never had tails. Blizzard has made it clear they won’t ever have tails. Move on.

Sorry but I call bullcrap. I know a lot of non-roleplayers who are really excited to have this difference and more customization.

Human customization for Worgen is base human customization. They didn’t put extra effort in, dude.

… it’s an eye category. With lots of options. It’s not rocket science to flip through them all.

I have no problem adding more new options for customizations (except tails, because not part of lore). I have a problem with you trying to make things either complicated or take things away.

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We didn’t have dark skinned elves either and now we do. Unlike tails, dark skinned elves actually go against lore. Let’s not even get me going about the whole High elf thing either. So no, I will not move on, thank you.

Look at the RP server to PVE/PVP server ratio. Not to mention of the RP servers, the only one that have active 24/7 communities is pretty much Moon Guard, Wyrmest Accord, and Emerald Dream. There are other servers that have very very very small RP communities but aren’t really big in comparison and no where near as active. Most of them, like my old server which was Kirin Tor, is pretty much dead.

Sure a lot of non-Rp’ers are excited about this but again. This is more of a role player thing.

Human form customization IS NOT WORGEN customization. All they did was give us access to all the bells and whistles to humans. Unless you are a role player, you’re not in your human form 90%+ of the time, if at all.

Our worgen forms got very little compared to races such as night elves, tauren, draenei, etc etc. We go no new categories, just new fur options, eye options (which mean nothing if you play a dk), and males having the ability to change ears/beards separate.

You’re right, it’s not, but that still doesn’t take away from the fact the interface is atrocious, clunky, and lazy.

See prior, your arguments are invalid. There is nothing complicated at all about this at all nor am I trying to take things away. If anything, I am giving examples of what we could give because I am tired of my main race getting the shaft over and over after a decade.

Thanks for the bump though!

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So we must agree to disagree.

Blizzard never specifically said dark skinned elves never existed. They specifically said Worgen don’t have tails.

ROFL no they don’t. There’s no lore that states elves couldn’t develop darker skin. They developed golden eyes. Is that against lore, too? :rofl:

No it isn’t. At all. Stop projecting and creating lies and false narratives.

I don’t even know what that’s supposed to mean. Literally no one said otherwise. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

All they did was break the link between Worgen form and human form to allow full access to human customization.

Wrong again. More lies. A lot of people I know don’t stay in Worgen form. None are on roleplay servers. Don’t generalize for your false narrative.

Never once denied that. But human customization has zero to do with that.

Your opinion. I think it’s just fine and easy to use.

ROFL I just shot down your lies and false narratives. My arguments are more valid than your bullcrap.

You’re attempting to add complexity to eyes when it’s unnecessary.

You trashed the human customizations and claimed only roleplayers would care, so it shouldn’t have happened.

Yeah, you’re not welcome. LOL

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Prove it. Tell us exactly where it was said Worgen can not have a tail. Concept art had a tail so do feel free to enlighten us as you seem to have the inside track on information about this issue. Ill wait.

And before you say it Ill tell you where your not understanding the issue. When Christie Golden put out her book she put a tail on Genn Greymane. Why because it makes since but Blizzard corrected her and said he didn’t have one. No where in the history of Worgen have they ever said Worgen can’t have a tail. Hope that helps clear up a common misconception for you.

Y’know, I really shouldn’t get involved in this sort of thing, buuuuuut…

RPGs sort of very heavily said they don’t. And I know people willl go ‘oh the RPG ain’t canon’ buuuuut… You ever actually read the RPG? Lands of Mystery is basically “This is what we want Wrath of the Lich King to be” but, released during Vanilla. Imagine just, a book you get in Vanilla that spells out what’s happening two expansions later down to stuff like “There’s a singular mystical non-crystal tree in Crystalsong” and Lake Wintergrasp having a nearby Tauren settlement (which changed into Taunka come Wrath proper). RPG was canon

As for worgen, well, official Warcraft art shows them with tails.

Also going on the lore thing, Blizzard said they’re not caring about lore justifications which is why we’re getting Sandfury (who really hate the Horde) and Dark Troll (who are extinct) skins for trolls. So… I wouldn’t use lore as an excuse unless you want to say “Sorry trolls, no Sandfury/Dark Troll skins any more”


Perhaps they should show the same commitment and willingness shown by other players instead of sitting around and waiting for something to change.

Those advocating more and better changes to worgen are not being so passive.

I know that many people are dissatisfied with the current nightborne model and want improvements but let’s face it.

These people do not come together or show that this is a general dissatisfaction. I only see a few topics on the subject from time to time.

If those who are interested in nightbornes, posts only talk about the topic once a month, leaving the topics to fall by the wayside, it must be of little importance in the eyes of the blizzard.

What we are asking for worgen, is something that has kept the topics active and busy for a long time. And continuously.

What I do know is that whoever wants to make themselves heard.
If they do not speak up enough for what they want, it will not make others not seek to speak out about their interests just because others have neither the will, the real interest or the courage to listen to one, “we will not do that, sorry” from Aunt Blizz.