Worgen Customization Mega Thread

Sadly right now Nightborne are the Worgen of the Horde. A model that people don’t like so it drives down the player base. I would like to see some changes to Nightborne as well as the requested changes we have for Worgen.


And I don’t know what we can ask for or not.
Maybe we should ask for more blood elves?
Or some new kind of human?

Maybe the right thing is just to do as our colleague suggests and not ask for anything, give up and learn to conform to it being done and never wish anything, since always appeared someone who will say that we should not ask for something not to be frustrated not to get our suggestion.
Like that just sent the need for something away and didn’t hide it.



Just saw this and figured I should post it here =P
Pretty good mock up. May already have been shown here?



Give us alpha female worgen models

Handclaw’s work is showcased on this thread and in the video. That pic in particular was definitely in my video!

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Why don’t they have tails is what I wanna know. It bothers me but the Panda got new tails for SL? I didn’t even know Panda’s had more than one type lmao.


Don’t mind, I just want to add my own wish that I want to see in the Worgens in this thread.

I want that forbidden druid form to be unlocked. The pack form in which a worgen can take the shape of a wolf and Its power and ferocity embody the uncontrollable fury of the wolf Goldrinn, later prohibited by Malfurion.

Please let me use that form on my worgen druid, I will keep my rage in control, Promise :slight_smile:


Ahh, okay. He does some great stuff =]
Loved his concept for the various class armors.

Still think it should be the focus of Night Elven Worgen =P Wolf druid forms!

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Make more sens than the actual lion form to me.
Worgen should have a rework of their own druid forms matching their condition as the children of Goldrinn.

It only make more apparent that the worgens needed an overhaul at every level.
Now we are lacking heavily of new customizations options but a rework of the druid form is necessary too.

To be honest it’s not new options that you need, it’s going back from scratch.

As an Alliance player, when they gave the Nightborns to the Horde instead of a neutral race, i took it as a slap in the face.
When i saw the final result, not so much anymore.
I couldn’t believed that the devs have scammed the Horde players to this level (knowing tha the devs themselves are Horde players).
They are not the Nightborns from Suramar, just modified night elves to give an allied race quickly.

In this light, the Nightborns are truly the Worgen counterpart of the Horde.


This first batch of customisation is for the races up to MoP, sadly. So while everyone agrees that Nightbourne direly need some help, they weren’t one of the original races so they’re second on the list

The moment the base races are done, Nightbourne need it ASAP, but its ultimately why I don’t expect why they’ll touch them in this batch

Sure, sure.

Hey they should go make a thread for nightborne customization.

Really doesn’t matter when they’re “supposed” to get more customization just that they have place to post what they want to see in it.

Regarding the new glowing eyes, i’m not really willing to put any of them on my characters.
They are oversaturated and clearly unfinished at this point:
Look at the differences between the red eyes where the pupils are too visible and unnatural while with the blue ones, we don’t see anything!

It’s clear that they didn’t really work (at least seriously) on the worgen form.

I don’t know why that hate to work on this race so much, but it’s really disrespectful toward the worgen community to give the silent treatment, cold shoulder and half finished work.




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Add straight back and worgen head hair. Not just side hair and beard.


Talking to me?


It was the second one.

I’ll consider the hair thing for my #'s. lol

But we have had High elves since burning crusade, did everyone collectively forget blood elves are high elves? They just don’t have blue eyes

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For some people, being a HE is defined by blue eyes and Alliance loyalty.

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I guess so

yeah you can say that but is it really?