Worgen Customization Mega Thread

cool compilation, it covers just about all the concerns worgen players have been voicing over the years. my only other, nitpick, addition is to allow for different manes…I think you touched on it briefly but I think some manes should flow over the shoulders or father down the back, and I have the same request for tauren manes - windswept, braids, etc.

give worgen tails. I’m not using the hashtag with the words give worgen tails smashed together to form one word because that’s a twitter thing only and I won’t support them. it also limits the cause because it’s basically saying give worgen tails is a twitter only thing, and it’s definitely not.


The Alpha female skeleton is so cool, I really hope they give that as a skeleton option.


Now that’s how you make a suggestion post.


You and me need to talk. I’m gonna poke you ingame if I ever find you.

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And look how long high elf people have been asking for high elves. Blizzard did actually come to a compromise eventually. So that kind of logic is… :man_shrugging:

Tails were, in fact, intended (at least for females) as shown in the first couple of pictures of the post. Developers ran out time with the model which was also stated. Lots have happened throughout the years and well… Blizzard has explicitly stated at Blizzcon last year that they want to keep implementing customization options that the players have wanted in Shadowlands.


They need to Delay Shadowlands until worgens have tails and a new design



My Btag is Wolfie#1352 and Discord is Wolfie#0156. Anyone here is welcome to contact me :slight_smile:

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This is another point I’ve noticed might cause some contention and is also a little wrong.

There are dark skinned elves in lore. Specifically in one of the books.


Now shes technically in an alternate timeline but there is nothing there that suggests dark skinned elves do not exist in our own timeline.

Whereas your source below there is from a non-canon rpg tabletop game. Only scant bits of that information is considered canon at this time mostly added into Wow itself piecemeal over time.

Also if you mean Void Elves shouldn’t have the skin options, well the high elf wayfarers and Blood Elf Scholars in the Rift are being trained the way Alleria was so in theory by the time they finish training they’d be fair skinned (or dark skinned) elves looking like high Elves as Alleria does.

While I sense you don’t actually mean this to be contentious again, I’ve seen this thread mentioned in at least one other thread where someone said they would not show support here for this (and that previous thing we talked about yesterday).

Worth considering changing this to avoid any derailment of the point of the thread.

requests sent!

Addressed this in my video. It’s only ONE elf and it’s not even a real elf, she is a dragon. To me that does not count as dragons choose their forms to whatever they wish.

That is only ONE of many, MANY sources. It’s been stated in RPG books and in the chronicles iirc. I know for a fact it’s on Wowpedia and Wowwiki as well. Plus there are more sources out there to back this up.

I also know about how High Elves are in the rift along with Blood Elves, wanting to become void elves. I RP’ed one heavily when they first came out. This was strictly about the dark skin tones.

Regardless, I am not against them getting dark skinned options at all. I think they do look neat. With that all said, I will not be changing that part of my post. People will have to learn to agree to disagree on it.

Visual Development =/= intended or planned.

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She is a High Elf. I can find no reference to her being a dragon. She is the apprentice to a dragon though.

I haven’t seen any source linked to Chronicle that states they’re all light skinned, nor would I put my faith in Wowpedia or Wowwiki as both are not always canon sources unless you can find the source linked directly to what they’re saying.

While I may disagree, that is your choice. I’ll still support the thread.

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Was considered in either case. Players are interested in it and there is no reason Blizzard might not change their minds.

Folk can ask for what they want to see.

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Bleah, my mistake. I always thought she was a dragon for some reason. Then again, I don’t really read the books. My bad on that part!

Still she’s just one elf. Blizzard has written high elves in almost every way to be fair skinned. It’d be much different if there were actually a group of elves with this unique pigment but there isn’t, it’s just one elf thus she could have dark skin from further involvement but she’s literally a unique case.

Bah still, my apologies on misspeaking about that part.

I don’t have a copy of the Chronicles but you’d have to do research online. Almost everything out there by Blizz states high elves are fair skinned and that is common known knowledge.

Still, I do like the dark skins, I was playing around with it earlier actually. The jewelry options really make them pop.

Oh yeah you can ask for what you want, thats valid. But don’t be disingenuous about it. A lot of things are tried and thrown out during visdev. That doesn’t mean it can be considered a planned feature. This is my career and I want to clear up a misunderstanding.

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Folk mess up lore and characters all the time. It happens.

This is fair of course. She is, as far as I know, the only direct mention of a dark skinned elf.

I will say that I don’t see dark skin tones as lore breaking. A lore change is more accurate if anything. The color of an elfs skin when that elfs skintone is already based off of… well humans… is hardly important to Lore or story. it doesn’t break anything.

Lore breaking would, ironically, be giving the Blood Elves the Void Elf skintones. Since that is directly tied to the lore of how they came to be and the rest of the Blood Elves have no call for such an out there color. (even that though I’d be like eh whatever its fantasy and not earth.)

They are quite beautiful. My own High Elf Wayfarer void elf is going to be dark skinned… was fiddling just the other night and randomed into it. lol


THANK YOU FOR THIS! I have been wanting to make a post about this for a while but could never produce the examples you have. Worgens are my favorite race as well and I only play them. I really had high hopes when I first heard about all the new customization options coming in Shadowlands but those were quickly crushed when I read what we were actually getting. I welcome all these proposed changes! I would even settle with one or two. Just give us something!


while it may or may not be lore breaking, and I do like them, unfortunately this means there won’t be other elf or human races to discover later - which I was kind of looking forward to crash-landing somewhere on the other side of azeroth in a sahara or savana like setting and find a race of elves with different color skin than what we’ve been used to seeing in game.

more of a desert elf culture


I understand the reason for their updated appearances, but from a fantasy world perspective, where proximity to and involvement with various; regions/location, affinity, exposure, evolvement, de-evolvement, cursed, power, proximity, etc, all has an appearance-altering effect on most races, especially elves since depending on their location and exposure/proximity/affinity to forces are physically changed in hight, color, etc, this has been a missed opportunity in my book - one that actually limits us players instead of opening the doors to us, since now we have been declined any possibilities of future elf races with these new tones being added as their own cultures elsewhere to befriend. sad

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Or they can still do that and those people’s can just have larger populations of those tones.

Keep in mind when Kalimdor was added to the lore they wrote in that humans already knew about it and the dangerous race of elves in the woods.

Easily possible that the darker skin tones developed there and migrated with those continents losing connection over time.

Or more likely the elves and humans there would have other things to differentiate themselves.

Every human added thus far has had one dark tone for instance.

In either case blizzard isn’t interested in Azeroth anymore, we’re heading into the outer planes and realms now.


I hear you, so there are ways to incorporate other branches of elves and humans and cousins of our known races. I do think it would have been cool to discover them though, and their appearance. Anyway, as for blizzard not being interested in azeroth anymore, I fear that I really do, as azeroth is my home away from home, and honestly, I am not interested in only exploring other realms, planes and planets every expansions/patch.

I do need my azeroth lore and homeworld being relevant for the game to be fun and story to be meaningful. I actually get irked when I hear about other dimensions/time travel/alternate universes, planes of existence, different realities, etc. I get that they’re all fantasy elements but old gods, titans, planes, are too comicbooky or comic book movie to me and therefore I can’t really get on board with such gimmicky stuff.

this is a 15+ year member and wow and wc game/story enthusiast so I would worry how many others like me would leave should they ignore azeroth and/or focus more on elsewhere than here.

And I mean, I get it, all the planes were once one and now they’re separated and ultimately we’ll have to put them all back together again to reform the single reality in what it was originally and needs to become again. it’s not clever, but it could be fun, but it won’t be fun nor clever if we don’t have a homebase at risk - azeroth - which probably tethers/anchors/magnets all the planes together, weakly, keeping them all from spiraling out so far form one another that they snap off permanently, and is also reality’s last chance at reuniting the different foundations back into whole. we don’t have our home at stake, and are always venturing elsewhere, we’ll forget what really matters, what we’re really doing this for.

sometimes I just want to pick up a walking stick and explore the smaller stories.

and worgen need tails now, if like you say, blizzard isn’t interested in us azerothians anymore.