Worgen Customization Mega Thread

Haven’t banged the drum for Worgen fixes since WoD, but I am once again throwing my support in.

Give the dogs some love, and restore the alpha female worgen skeleton. The floppy run animation is terrible.

i agree with everyone that worgen should be allowed to fight in Worgen form (forbidden druid) as feral druid. a glyph should solve that. plzzzz blizz.


For now we have to wait to see what’s in store for 9.2.5 as the devs have already said that if new customizations options will be added, it’s most likely in a .5 patch.


Don’t think we’ll be seeing anything until after Dragonflight sadly. We just gotta keep fighting for more customization. 10 years strong now.


A little up to not forget this thread that is still relevant.

I want billions of options too Blizzard.


@Blizzard Any word? We Worgen are still waiting.


From interviews this weekend, Ion said that the team plans to update all races to have the depth and breadth of customization that Dracthyr have for ALL races, eventually!

This is huge, folks. Between this and the all race/class combo announcement a few months ago, worgen are going to be in a good spot.
It may be a couple of years, but we’ll have a lot of these options.



Sounds like dracthyr are even getting more control over which form they are in.
Think it’s something that’d actually make it’s way to worgen?

Still no tails despite us having the technology. :hocho:

Hate to break it to you, but Ion also said we’d be getting more Heritage armor in SL and that never happened. Hard to believe a word that comes from him to be honest, but hopefully Worgen and etc get more customization that’s really needed instead of them focusing so heavily on anything relating to humans and elves


I agree, i lost the count on how many things he said that never came.

It seems obvious for me that the current devs have a lot of unwillingness if it’s not elf and human.
Look at the curent patch: Tyrande, Forsakens / Dark rangers and blood elves.

I don’t blame the devs to have done this work but much more to NOT have done anything else: Worgen, pandaren, darkspears trolls ect…
No storyline post-shadowland, no new racial transmog or mount.

The thing is that we don’t care which race the devs love to work on, they have a duty to treat each race equally.
If they want “everyone to feel welcome”, why not beginning by not feeling ostracized because we play the races that got the least amount of work?
I can understand that the devs worked only on the Dracthyrs and the dragon mount but now that they are nearly done, get back to work on the others races.

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This is his idea of PR. If you tell someone “no” they will be mad. If you tell someone “maybe later” civilized people have been trained to be patient. Just accept anything without a timetable is his way of saying “no.”

BlockquoteHate to break it to you, but Ion also said we’d be getting more Heritage armor in SL and that never happened.


Anyway, you can be grouchy if you like, but the team has, indeed, told us that all races will be getting dracthyr level customizations eventually, just no updates at the release of Dragonflight.

This is a great post. Ive always drawn my worgen with a tooth ring on his fang, and id love a tail.


So basically, having more hairstyles, hair colors, half in half hair colors, and etc options later down the line?

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This project to put each race to the same standards as the Dracthyr is going to be a monumental task but will they do it for the races that they have few will to work on?

I am honestly pessimistic because i bet that humans and elves will be worked on first, again.

You could say that any work on the humans will be copied to the worgen human form but i don’t want that, many here don’t because we want gilnean specific options for our human form.
I also think that the regular human race from Stormwind should get specific options as well.
(yeah i know, it’s not a very popular opinion to not want to “mix everything everywhere”)

I really hope that the futur will prove me wrong.


If Blizz gave us drac’thyr levels of customization, they would literally have to do everything suggested in this thread and them some.

I wouldn’t be opposed to that of course.

I am not sure if you all noticed, they did take a bit of feedback from my OP when it came to the eye customization for Drac’thyr. They made it so they had 3 types (Glow, Slit, or Cross) as well as being able to determine eye color for each eye. Granted this is only for a scarred eye and no heterochromia option but it does show that they took some of what I had said as reference.

My suggestion:


One thing I see from the dragthyr that would go a long way for worgens is the two tone color options. Have one solid color, and then have the secondary color for the front fur much like how they have the accent color that adds more color options, and then from there also add in the fur patterns as their own separate option too, and ofcourse a separate hair color/hair tints.

Honestly there is a lot, and I mean a LOT you could do for worgens without even having to put in the work to give em regular hair styles, would still like hair styles and tail option thought. :smiley:

Hopefully we don’t have to wait 3 expansions down the line to finally get those options… I’m still waiting for the other options they promised we would get in Shadowlands but never did. Blizzards team definitely increased, same goes for the art team as I heard they expanded it as of late. Hopefully they finally got a dedicated character customization team to help get everyone their customization options if they really do plan on giving every race the same depth of customization as dragthyr.


I don’t expect dracythyr level of options ever, but right now they owe us a bit more than we got at the end of BFA.