Worgen Customization Mega Thread

The option to use the Karazhan ballroom dance in human form would be a nice way to help differentiate between us and normal humans. Make it a toggle like talking to Mia in Stormwind and asking her for more formal dance lessons, or tie it into the Greyguard promotion from the heritage armor so people who like the Macarena can keep it.


More options will always be better. The only non optional thing I want to see for my Worgen is lore says they are 8 feet tall so let us be 8 feet tall in game. So many of those against us getting customization say its cause it’s against lore… well Worgen being 6’11" is against lore too.

Tuesday can’t come any faster! Hoping we hear something about new customization soon.

Also, Happy Easter.


Here’s hoping we finally get our voices heard, and not have to wait till whenever they drop the 10.0 beta to find out if we get anything at all next expansion.

Honestly it would be really cool if instead of actually announcing and talking about it, we just get a gameplay trailer of the next expansion, and have like a couple of worgens in the background of the video with new customizations to keep us guessing on what else they plan on adding, along with basically showing they’re working on new stuff for us.


Tossing in my support again! Also adding this to my megathread index!


This would be an excellent way to announce certain changes if they don’t want to spend 10 hours explaining them all.


Just going to point this out. The new dragon race is using the worgen skeleton. You can see the similarities from the standing position/run animation. This means, at the very least, everything for a tailed worgen is there animation/rigging wise… just need to add those pixels in and attach it to the worgen model themselves.



It’s not that i’m pessimistic, but it seems that the focus is on the new playable race and the dragon mount rather than adding anything for the other races.

I understand that the new race must be as appealing as possible to sell DF but for many races, it’s neither done nor to do - especially the worgens.

I hope that 9.2.5 will give us gilneans stuff like the blood elves and the dark irons but for now, i don’t trust Blizzard to give us anything for the worgens.


The new expansion is a long way away, I’d guess mid 2023 at latest. So 9.2.5 has to have a fair amount of content. I suspect the dark iron quest and BE quest on PTR are just the beginning of the stuff they will do.
I think we’ll get a dark ranger element somehow, not sure what form it will take, and i suspect some other heritage armors/questlines.
I think the devs know we want a few more customization options. Worgen are established to have gotten very little updates (the model update was the WoD feature delayed for several expansions, not their customization update).

Give worgen tail options.


Yeah. I completely agree Moronai. Though of course that’s just more time we sit on the backburner. It would be nice to at least hear -something- instead of the radio silence we’ve been getting for more than a decade now.

Sadly it’s not Worgen just like every other race they are simply in the game. It’s Blizzard who is the reason so few people play Worgen.

Let’s roll back the clock to Cataclysm. Worgen are announced but oddly only male Worgen are shown. As beta progresses and the time to release grows closer It’s suddenly realized that Cataclysm is only a month away and finally Blizzard shows off the alpha models for female Worgen. They are rough but they have a number of hair styles and look somewhat close to the males in the eyes and options for the looks. But then came some fourm hate claiming they didn’t look vicious enough and with 2 weeks to go before release the female model got changed into the abomination we were stuck with for 10 years. Think about that for 10 full years the Worgen model was one of the worst models in WoWs history, and the Worgen players base suffered as many didn’t want to play such a bad model.

Then the racial revamp came around. All core races were given updates… or so Blizzard said. But one race was ignored or forgotten about. Worgen racals are still the same as they were when the race came out. Originally at the start Worgen viciousness was going to be 1% dmg rather than 1% crit chance. To this day no one is sure why that was changed before release. But while every other core race innthe game got boost the Worgen waited to see what we would get… we are still waiting. Some argued that because Worgen came out in Cataclysm they didn’t get the update right away but that is quickly debunked when you see Goblins got the racal changes along with the other core races. And yet here we Worgen sit waiting still for our turn. When asked why we were never given a reason one core race was never touched but it was fairly clear if you looked at the number of players as to why. But is it the Worgen players fault? No it’s the model that no one wanted to play.

More time passed and finally it was the Worgens turn for the HD model and you know for the first time we Worgen players felt maybe just maybe Blizzard will show the Worgen some love as a good portion of the issues that people hated about the female model was changed. And thus we saw a rise in the number of Worgen players. Now that alone should have been a red flag to Blizzard that a little love to the race would have the numbers grow. But our options were limited. We were happy to no longer have the worst model in WoWs history but no updated racals and a fairly large lack of options to boot still kept a large number of players from making the swap.

Finally every race was given customization and everyone was pumped for more options but Worgen were once again left on the back burner. Yes we got stormwind human options but there is 0 options that are unique to Gilnean humans. That and our core look. The one we are forced into in combat has a grand total of 5 options. Fur, Face, Hair, Ears, Eyes. And let’s be honest the hair is only small braids in the hair that are hardly noticeable.

So what can be done? Well between this post and the Give Worgen tails post there are over 10,000 posts of feedback on Worgen changes:

Lore correct 8 foot size.
Optional tails.
More colors for eyes and fur.
Upright posture for males.
Updated racals.
Give the human form something unique to Gilnean humans like the Waltz dance humans have and other unique looks only a Gilnean can use.

It’s far past time for the Worgen to be shown love Blizzard we have waited and watched as even allied races were given more time and love than a core race and yet we still wait and still request the same love and time put into the race we play.


Woo we’ve reached 500 likes today!

Thank you all for the support.



It seems to me that in time, Worgen shaman, paladin or monk will be a thing.


Huge news. One of my biggest wish list ontop of worgen tails has been to be able to play a worgen monk. We won’t be getting it right away at launch, but it’ll be coming in the future! I feel like worgen shamans will be the last batch of class we will get due to every new shaman race getting a unique totem. Makes me wonder what worgen totems would look like.

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Fire Hydrant… Come on you knew someone was going to say that.


Honestly, I wouldn’t even be mad.

If Worgens can be Paladins, Shamans, and Monks. That would be awesome to see. Ether way I hope you guys are happy when that comes.


We’re hoping, believe me. If anything, worgen monks would be first. The animations are all done and there is nothing to add opposed to paladins where they have a charger and shaman with their totems.


A little up as a reminder that we still wish to have enough amount of new customization options to be on par with most of the races.


straight back please

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