Worgen Customization Mega Thread

This is true, but we at least know they’re working on it. The same cannot be said of WoW & worgen.

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I just built a Magic the Gathering deck and man… It’s a red/green werewolf/wolf deck and almost every single werewolf has a tail. Makes me sad :frowning:


Worgen tails when?


I just got this piece done of my worgen girl, Sadie Mae!


Well, that’s how the werewolves of Innistrad are designed. I would have liked to have a silver fur like the Wolfirs as a custom option too (sad that lorewise, they are going to extinction).

By the way, because you made me discover the Innistrad universe of MTG, i’m collecting every cards of the innistrad universe since september and i’m attacking now Midnight hunt.
Many werewolves designs that i wished to see as a custom option in wow. There’re even few who have an upright stance for male.

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The whole philosophy of that company is that beast races are too difficult to give expressions to and that cute bunny girls with human faces will be more marketable so if you’re hoping for something incredible just prepare to be disappointed.

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Beast races could show expressions fairly well if Blizzard would take the time and effort. But as most Worgen players know they put as little time or effort into Worgen as possible.


Tauren, Vulpera, Worgen and Panda are still way better animated and more expressive than any hrothgar though.

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True the HD models did open a world of expressions to the races.

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So just to point out how unfairly Blizzard treats worgens, here’s a thread I made about the ear holes bugging and not showing the worgen ears on the new helmet, and instead of actually fixing it, they remove the ear holes, yet made it actually work for vulperas.


That’s why i have no trust in Blizzard to give us anything we want. They hate to work on the worgens, simple like that.

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The real issue isn’t Blizzard hates Worgen. Blizzard started this whole thing by releasing such a poor model for Worgen and when said model caused a decline in players for the Worgen race they figured they didn’t need to put time into the race as hardly anyone plays it. The issue is purely on Blizzards shoulders and it’s up to Blizzard to fix it. Customization options are what are going to fix Worgen and it’s up to Blizzard to implement it. We have given them loads of options now it’s up to them to choose what to add. Including the lore correct 8 foot size. Come on Blizzard it’s your own lore. At least stick to it.


The thumbnail on that video in the OP, I just can’t.

What’s wrong with it? It’s just a hand drawn version of a Worgen with in-game armor. Please tell us what in your mind makes that wrong.


There’s a big yiff vibe to it, it’s off putting.

Only if you think that way. It’s a stylized Worgen art sitting down. How that becomes something in your mind that you “yiff” to is something you do in your own time. Please do not derail this thread when we are discussing Worgen customization options we would like to see. But thanks for keeping the post on top where it belongs.


Nah, I just don’t want to jump into the details. I do not know the artist, I do not know the context, I don’t want to put Worgen fans in the same basket. So I chose deliberately to not expend on it while offering you an answer as you asked for.

The concept arts are on point tho, this more what I imagine a Worgen to be, not a Disney parody.

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April 19th guys! Expansion Reveal!

The Hopium is real!

The stark difference between a worgen and a orc.

If any time is a time to push hard for the customizations, it’s now. Worgens need more options. Give us optional tails, give us actual optional hair styles, give us ear options, scar options, tattoo options, wolf form for druids, jewelry options. So much things that could be listed out and has been listed out throughout this thread.

Blizzard, give worgens more options!


Nothing new concerning the worgens but take a look at these:

Seems to me that the 9.2.5 will be all about playable races, let’s hope to have good gilneans / worgen stuffs and transmog.