Worgen Customization Mega Thread

How u gusy see this mane style, and should be the mane style counted as hair style and the curent hair styles to be countet as side burns? Also i think it would be cool if the worgen alpha model hairstyle’s (the one from blizzcon 2009) be included somehow with the mane style, and also the same fangs and snout. style. h ttps://i.redd.it/ujc8p8nwt0e51.png

Here you go Worgassassin


Taken from the Epsilon RP server…


I like how they made the tail color match the mane color. I’m more of a fan of the tail color matching the fur, but yeah. At least rp realms know what people want! Always interesting to see peoples different interpretation of a tailed worgen.


Thank you! :pray: :grin:

That’s so cruel, if they had a regular server im swaping it immediately just because of that :hear_no_evil: :see_no_evil: :speak_no_evil:

Better yet, we could have a choice whether it matches the mane or the body hair color :smiley:
More customization options, the better.

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What if the Worgen have different body types like in terms of being a giant werewolf type and such?


There are a lot of “would be nice” things that aren’t well supported by a game that is old enough to drive. The option we would like is to remove the hunch back and have the same sort of posture as females.

Detailed customization like body types is going to have to wait until WoW2, or a complete replacement/overhaul of the engine. This is actually one positive of Blizzard being bought by Microsoft, they won’t have to start from scratch on such, and they have access to a lot more proprietary tools should they decide to do it.

The hopium is real with me when it comes to hearing something about the next expansion. Hopefully we receive another round with more char customization for the races that were kind of left out in Shadowlands.


A skinny build with upright posture would be a cool option to have. It would look good for casters.

Idk what you’re talking about, hrothgar still don’t even have headgear options and they’re the only beast race in a sea of anime.

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This actually led to me using the free race change on mine. If I can’t use the hat as a Black Mage am I even mageing right?!

Well that is one thing no one understands right now. Worgen in lore are 8 feet tall for the females so why in game we are barely 6 feet 11 inches makes 0 since. Basically Worgen should be the same size as the Night Fae’s Fauns. But Blizzard also seems to love making all the Alliance tall races yhe same exact size. Give us our lore based size. Worgen should be huge werewolves not tiny near human sized as they currently are.

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Lost Ark Pupper - His name is Rictus

And yes - HE HAS A TAIL TOO!


In the middle of playing it right now. I’ll keep an eye out for em!

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and I stumbled across them. Upwards ears, proper feet armor, tail. Pst, hey Blizzard, here’s what male worgens should look like. :wink:


Hopefully the 10.0 Announcement will come soon ™.

More customization for all!

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Just given worgen tails. Then Ill be happy.


More options are always better and with how little Worgen currently have it would be nice for once for Blizzard to show they care about us Worgen players.