Worgen Customization Mega Thread

How is my mind in the gutter? The image a of bare butt worgen is right there in the OP. If I posted a bare butt of a human female it would be deleted instantly. It doesn’t matter if you don’t find it sexual but it is drawn by someone who most likely does or for people who do. It’s on the razor’s edge of the TOS and depending the mod they can purge it but with the ties to fetish websites it’s should be deemed sexual and removed from the forums.

Not as awkward as you misinterpreting my comment. Oh I’m staying for 5 years now.

UwU give worgen everything!!

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Worgen need tails, please and thank you.


Apologies if this has already been said, but this thread is long.

I really just want seperate transmog options for worgen form and human form. I want to be able to use more standard, clean looking armor for human form, and more wild and feral for worgen. Would really love to see torn sleeve and pant leg options, but that’s probably asking way too much.


Blizzard: 2010 - we’re introducing worgens!

players: We want the worgen model updated!
Also blizzard: muttering angry noises

Players: persists for several years growing louder and louder
Blizzard: gives in

Now players: Give worgen tails!
Blizzard: Angry muttering intensifies even louder

Pandaren players: Gets very few customizations out of all other races
Also Pandaren players: “Am I a joke too you?..”


Same year, "We’re changing Worgens to be worse versions of their Alpha state because players are angry they’re not ‘fierce’ enough. Chihuahua faces are fierce, right?

But you can see how much difference in care there is between races to see what Humans, Elves, and Orcs got compared to basically everything else.

But this is what happens when they continually ignore things that should’ve been there from the start, more and more things keep piling up as updates should be coming more regularly.


yes, i agree

I was so excited when I heard about worgen because who doesn’t want to be a freaking werewolf but I quickly realized they don’t feel like werewolves. They feel like folks in fursuites. I don’t have anything against that but I don’t feel like a feral or vicious werewolf. Not only did the females (only play female chars in games like WoW) get derp face but like the noble werewolf just feels kind of meh. We never fight with our claws what even purpose do they have? A hide melee weapon racial would be cool I guess but idk. Really the only thing that felt werewolf-esque about them is two-forms and the old racial where you didn’t need a skinning knife but that became outdated and was so minor. I want to be a feral worgen or at least have a beserk/feral mode where I can drop my weapons and just go ham. NPCs do this. Hell Greymane in HoTS does this. Goes from noble human holding back his rage to beserking worgen. Almost wish worgen was a race rather than a class with a mechanic like MoP-WoD demo locks.


Similiarly I want a two-form esque toggle for void appearance and non void appearance. Not have to visit the barbershop constantly. Or at least tie barber to spec like our transmog is.

They could have honestly done something cool like that with the heritage armor. Make it all noble like for human form, and when going in to two form, have it all torn up. And yeah I agree, having a option to fight with out bare claws would be awesome. Have you’ve seen how insanely long worgen nails are? They’re like individual knives on each finger!

I really hope we get a lot of awesome ideas like this in the next expansion where Blizzard seriously has to put their all in to it, from resource to gameplay to the art, the story. They’re on their last leg here. As they showed before, new character customization options goes a long way. Lots of worgen players that swapped races, or in my experience a good chunk of friends dropped the game because of the lack of options and overall neglect we’ve had. Worgens are in desperate need of more options. I legit have a few friend that will sub for life if you also give worgen tails. ;D


Chespin I didn’t say ban you for 5 years. I’m not that much of a jerk. I told Blizzard to ban themselves for 5 years.

Sorry didn’t mean like I was suggesting you get banned.

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This sort of toggle should really be handled as such
Off - Normal human form
On - Always worgen form
Right click - (dashed animated outline similar to some pet abilities) changes into worgen upon combat, and reverts as combat ends.)

I’d like to see this for both the worgen and shadowpriests. Could even use it for druids.

It just adds more options and covers most of the bases.


We really need more than just tails though. From what I gathered, the community council was made aware of this thread but who knows what will come from this.

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lots of cope in this post ive found

We are simply asking for more customization options for Worgen. Currently Worgen have the least amount of options for any race in the game and what Blizzard did for HMT and Nightborne we would love to see something similar for Worgen. People are quick to forget that for 10 years Worgen had the worst model in WoWs history. Worgen players are still paying customers too and we would like to see the race we play shown some love and given options as well.


There is much speculation as to what is going to be announced in a couple of weeks. Some have rumored it to be the next expansion.

I wonder if we will hear anything about more char customization all around.

Honestly with all the “leaks” and datamines going on as of late I wouldn’t be surprised. We probably won’t be getting major lore stuff, but core stuff like classes and race stuff is a good possibility. Hopefully we get that long awaited character customization batch they promised us!

True. We are due or even overdue for the expansion announcement. Although the state of the company probably means it could be delayed for months. :frowning:

Well everythings been delayed anyways. Also with the Microsoft takeover, they want to stop making call of duty a yearly game, which means they are more than willing to do more polishing than rushing of the activision-blizzard games, which is honestly awesome. It feels like ever since after Legion burning them out from the hard rushing of that golden 77 day per content release rule, they’ve been struggling to make ends meet. Now more than ever with them burning out resource and losing employees, which is extremely evident this expansion. Seriously, at this point of the expansion we’d already be in 8.3/finishing legion. We’re not even in 9.2 yet.

Hopefully the Microsoft takeover, once that is put in to play ends up making the game better, which we won’t see until 10.0 is already out or about to release.