Worgen Customization Mega Thread

Nice! At least something is being mentioned about worgen and customizations.


I hope that at some point in 10.0 new customization options will become available with hairstyle themes, better characterization of our height, better posture, tail, and more.

Merry X-mas.


Let’s have some hope, and happy new year. :wolf:


Till Blizzard bans all Worgen players we will continue to request our core look customization to be brought up to par with every other race.


Looks weird and unnecessary

Also why does the OP have a furry borderline “art” in their post? Don’t the mods enforce the terms of service?

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The forum mods are fine with it. People have actually tried to mass report OP to take down the thread because of the art, well they mostly did it to try to troll us, and they dropped the report and let the thread continue. Scroll back up like a half a year back and you’ll see the posts where people were laughing about the thread being taken down, only for it to come back the next day. :stuck_out_tongue:

Also thanks for reminding me, Blizzard may be planning on actually giving us worgen updates this upcoming patch possibly. The last ptr update before the holiday break showed both Mechagon and Worgens out of no where. Nothing in there yet, but hopefully it ends up being something.



That would be nice.

Well the mods are failing at their job and since it’s originally from a pornographic fetish site, it’s definitely breaking it.

I didn’t know twitter was a fetish site. Even then I don’t see how originating from one would break tos if there’s literally nothing sexual about it. That’s like taking any old reference sheet Blizzard has on character examples and calling that tos too. Heck Blizard has a character models in game right now that are the exact same thing as the image. Do people go up and arms and call it sexual? Nope. :stuck_out_tongue:

But yeah, hey Blizard, give worgens some love, and if you’re gonna do mechagnomes along side us too, then great. Make all races on par with night elves and orcs in terms of customiations!



The original post is a YouTube video… So YouTube is now a pornographic fetish site? Well guess I’m off to watch more YouTube. What of that image in your mind is wrong… Is it the leg showing? I mean I don’t know about you but there is nothing wrong with that image as its a character clearly in armor, sitting down… Oh wait I see it now its the Tabard… Right? I still don’t see anything wrong. But feel free to tell us where that image has something wrong with it and Ill report it to the moderators who have oked the picture a few times now.


PS. Blizzard should totally Ban themselves… BEHOLD… OFFICIAL WORGEN LEG ART!


Maybe Chespin just thinks women need to hide their sinful bodies. I mean look what this caused in the Blizzard development office! Clearly we need to protect these poor men who just couldn’t help themselves.


Twitter is filled with fetishes now and quite a few have ties to actual fetish sites. You damn well know that underwear is some sort of clothing while the one in the OP has none. Don’t you realize it? Or has your fetish blinded you to such things?

I don’t think that and your way of thinking is wrong. Seek help man.

I mean you’re the one pointing these things out. Guess your mind is so in the gutter that you can’t help but to point out how fetishy it looks to you. If that’s your thing then hey, I’m not gonna judge you. You’re free to appreciate whatever you like!

As for me, I see it as just simply art, nothing sexual, and a good way to get the point across on how Blizzard could put in those details in to the game and spring up ideas, you know, like concept art. :smiley:


OP has perfectly valid transmog that she could wear in oribos, have her character sit down, and post screenshots without violating the TOS. But you think because she had an artist draw her a picture of the same thing it becomes sexual? Are you sure you’re not a furry? Because this might qualify as a furry Rorschach test.


Too much leg in that xmog! Oh wait… you mean the image that Chespin-gundrak is complaining about is a legit ingame look. Bet this just got really awkward… Blizzard once again you provided a way for Worgen art to be a sin. Please ban yourself for 5 years. But only after you give Worgen optional tails and a lore correct 8 foot size amoung other options.


Bare worgen behind for the win!

There can never be too much leg.

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