Worgen Children

Do worgen pass on the curse to their children? Or are the children human?

No they don’t. If two say Gilnean worgen had a kid then that person would be a normal non-affected human. The curse is only passed through bite infections, not genetics. Blizz actually confirmed that long ago in Cata.

So interestingly Gilneas will eventually return to normal after some new generations pass.


This is also why the princess Tess Greymane is upset with her father because I believe he refuses to make her a worgen.


No. Established lore says worgen bring forth normal children and that the curse is not passed on through generations.

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Which would also mean Gilnean worgen would be going extinct. That is if they refrain from spreading the curse.

[chuckles Sylvanasly]

(i’m kidding… i hope. -eyes writers suspiciously-)

Assuming being a worgen doesn’t become a source of cultural pride, in which case worgen families might elect to intentionally pass their curse on to their offspring once they reach a certain age.

In the worgen heritage questline, Tess Greymane felt that being a worgen was an intrinsic part of being Gilnean. She was ready and willing to get turned by Genn on the spot.


The children become baby worgens. The bite actually alters genetics and that is passed on to their little doggos.
Don’t let anyone else tell you different, it’s called science…

No. The developers, “in their infinite wisdom” :roll_eyes:, have decided that our children are born just ordinary humans.

Which means that we do not produce offspring as worgen.
Which means that in 1 or 2 generations, there will be no more worgen.

Which seems ridiculous, since the curse is passed through the blood and there’s no way a fetus can’t have contact with its own mother’s blood or its own father’s genetic material.

But biology may not have been the highest-rated school subject responsible for this little detail in the Worgen’s conception.

Part of what makes worgen poorly conceived and having had such a poorly developed model since 2010.

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Maybe a few expansions from now they’ll remove Worgen from the character creator and replace it with “Ginean Human.”

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That’s actually kind of sad like when dwarves and elves go extinct in LOTR.

Worgen curse is one tied to an individual’s soul and not passed on without a bite or scratch.

Or becoming a Druid of the Pack I guess.

Rest assured though, despite the efforts of players the worgen will always exist in game in silverpine, duskwood and the grizzly hills. Passing on their curse to their children when they come of age or to victims that pass through their hunting grounds.

See the problem with this lore is things like: there is a lot less exchanged in a bite than pregnancy and childbirth. And what if a worgen mother gives birth in the forest, and has to cut the umbilical cord with her teeth? Does this count as biting? :thinking:


So that may well be what happens.
It may only take another 10 years before they remember this or decide to scrap the idea of ​​creating a sterile race.

Unless the devs come up with some kind of retcon ( blizzard loves to create retcons :roll_eyes: ) to fix it or just do as they usually do.

Just ignore it and expect people to stop worrying about something obvious, so they didn’t get any attention during creation.

Have Mercy. :clown_face:

Let me pull out my Azerothian Punnett Square

It’s a “race” that isn’t likely to go fully extinct, but it’s not going to maintain current numbers and isn’t likely to grow for any reason.

Blizzard kind of really has a thing for playable races with totally untenable levels of population (but of course the story ignores that and pretends its not an issue).

Correct. A bit off topic, but I believe this is why there are no worgen monks. All non-pandaren monks originate after the Gilnean Invasion, which effectively ended the spreading of the worgen curse.

Even though they were willing to retcon a monk trainer into having been there to see the Exodar crash to enable draenei monks.


Worgen lore is probably the worst thing Blizzard had ever done.


Have you played this expansion? “I will never serve.” except for all the other times and she only became leader of the horde because the previous leader was tricked.