Worgen Children

Im pretty sure the Worgens that reside in cities/hubs were pretty much “fixed” so that they can’t spread the curse (they can still have kids).
Cuz… y’know, wouldnt want to have another outbreak with the other humans and whatever is left with the night elves.
All it would take is someone pissing off a worgen, gets bit, and goes crazy cuz they didn’t get treated in time.

What about all the kids that adult worgen infected on purpose?

I think it should be a source of cultural pride. I can see Gilneans owning it and maybe even do “coming of age” ceremonies where they do pass on the blessing at a certain age.

Honestly they should’ve let Tess become one.


I am more than a little dissatisfied with this one. Had she been turned from the start Crowley wouldn’t have thrown away Gilneas after he won it back, because Sylvanas’ threat to convert Tess to undead would have been an empty one.

It should have some in game kick to it. Kind of as a way to deny the forsaken the pleasure of bringing back defeated Gilneans as a way to win a war of attrition.


That was actually Lorna Crowley. For whatever reason, Lord Crowley refused to let his daughter become a Worgen despite his participation in turning the surviving Hillsbrad humans into Worgen.

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Worgen lore is full of good times but also full of bad details.

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Yes, one of the reasons I remember for not having worgen, or goblin, monks was that there were just no Pandaren in those zones when Cata hit.

And the other one being that worgen lack inner peace and goblins love greed to much to be able to become monks.

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I am sure that on a planet like Azeroth that there is a Worgen Black Market where someone will bite her for a pocket of gold.

Excuse me. We call them puppies.

Or just “accidentally” be bit by a feral and take a swig of whatever cure that apothecary was making on Raven Hill to keep from going feral herself.

This made me think of a whole bunch of Gilnean teenagers sneaking around getting the curse like kids get tattoos and piercings. Dad comes home to see their kids in wolf form and yells “WHERE DID YOU GET THIS CURSE FROM? I’M GOING TO KILL HIM!”

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Here a worgen kid.

h ttps://static.wikia.nocookie.net/wowpedia/images/b/b9/WarCraft_Samwise135c.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20171223175924

Sometimes I think Blizzard does certain things to provoke the Alliance.

So…do they get bit during adolescence or earlier?

Honestly I would pay for it

Why be a weak human when you can be a werewolf, but also be human when you need to be?

Other than the whole going crazy and murdering people, it doesn’t sound too bad

The thought that Worgen dont have Worgen children has always been hilarious to me.

What do the packs of totally feral Worgen that live in the wilderness do when they inevitably end up with offspring if they’re just human babies?

actually worgen cannot have children they are a type of undead from a highwayman’s curse.
[not really in game universe but … ]

Also, the forsaken will eventually go extinct because they cannot reproduce.

It’s almost like the entire Eastern Kingdoms faction war would disappear if both sides just kinda… did nothing.

All the better to eat you, my dear.

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