“Ew! A gnome! Lets punt it!”
Idk why anyone would be opposed to this great past time of WoW.
“Ew! A gnome! Lets punt it!”
Idk why anyone would be opposed to this great past time of WoW.
Oh cool, some of us have been punished for saying such innocuous things as “maybe WoW should have more LGBT people and less racism and maybe Blizzard could curate a healthier, more welcoming community for those players affected by these issues.”
It honestly makes my chin hit my lap a little when I see anyone saying Blizzard’s moderation is fair by any stretch of the imagination. One would have to be unaware of its history, or having been ignoring it, or just not have been around at all.
In some degree of fairness, until I started paying any attention to the forums, I didn’t have any actual reason to doubt that the customer service or moderation teams would at all be unfit for their positions.
It wasn’t until I actually got a bead on people’s posting habits and paid attention to what posts got cut and which threads remained conspicuously open that I had any inkling.
Also individual testimony. If people chose not to speak out I imagine that so much would never be known.
His thread got deleted so he’s posting in here now?
I never wanted a pirate/seafaring expansion.
Well, that would have started a fight before BfA, but it might not be as controversial now.
Calling BFA a pirate/seafaring expansion is like calling Legion a warhammer 40k expansion.
It’s such a small, inconsequential part of the expansion that it doesn’t really matter.
That’s a fair observation. If someone doesn’t know, then they just don’t know.
Problem is when others try to point it out and get shouted down and put back in a box for trying. Which does happen. It’s hard to get the word out when, at times, its met with flat out denial.
I liked the island expeditions and I really need to start doing more of them. How easy do you think it will be to do them in shadowlands?
Nobody really knows yet. It’s not on alpha.
Well I hope they don’t remove them outright that would be stupid.
My decision to make this thread is the pinnacle of “Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.”
This is one of the most hilariously incorrect statements I’ve ever seen.
I’m not engaging anymore. It’s not worth it to debate.
Is it too late for my answer to be “Create thread: Words that will start a fight every time”?
There’s no debate. WoW’s moderation team is woefully inept as evidenced by WoWs community being one of the most noxious, toxic gaming communities on the market.
This is speculation but, I doubt they’ll be removed. They’ll probably become soloable or available via queue at the island NPC. Some will probably become feats of strength like Heroic and PvP islands, but normal would stay for cosmetic farmers.
If they were going to be removed, we’d know by now by the dataminers.
Don’t play any FPS games or mobas. I am not going to say WoW doesn’t have toxic players but it is nothing like other games that I have played in. Most people I encounter are generally okay, and I have been gearing several alts in LFR.
Alternatively, both sets of games have toxic communities and one does not invalidate or diminish the presence of the other.
Hence why I said “one of”
I would love a RP mode or a spectator mode added to islands that does’nt have a timer or an enemy team. Cause those islands would be amazing to RP on, some of the locations are great. But if not that then soloing them would be the next best thing cause then at least I could run them myself as much as I want and not have to bother with a queue of two more people.