Wold PvP is a bit of a meme

So to clarify: this only applies to world pvp after battlegrounds were introduced.

Before then I’m told it was great (I started playing late 05, my friends had been playing since launch).

After that it basically died for a few weeks, only for there to be a slow creep of max level people going back to it, the same sort of people who make twinks ie: people who suck at pvp when its a fight on equal turns.

For me what reinforced this idea was the barrens. Specifically crossroads.

On my server at the time a few times a week you’d get alliance players come in and roll over the town. Then about 3 minutes later members pf a guild called HTRG (Horde Tactical Response Group) would start arriving. These were guys who did real pvp. As soon as the first one showed up the alliance scattered. They wouldn’t even try and fight back, even when they had the numbers or outnumbered the HTRG.

Basically they were scared of a real fight.

Sure once in a blue moon there would be an epic fight in the world, but 99 times out of 100 the people who look back fondly on wpvp were people who could only win a fight against someone 30 levels below them.


Fights on equal terms…lol.

As if that ever happens.


Cool story bro


Yeah, world PVP events are typically driven by guilds with a common interest in such things. Ideally there would be a few such guilds in each faction on each PVP server. However, you’re right, sometimes a guild/faction can come to dominate.

For those of us that are interested in wPVP, it is important that we help maintain balance between the factions on the server and help the weaker faction if necessary, rather than choosing the stronger side.

Having a decent server population, >2000 active, also really helps. I hope Blizzard can help with these population / faction balance issues in some way.

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Why does someone always have to fight in equal terms to be considered “good”? Pretty sure “good” means winning. Doesn’t matter how you win if you’re the one alive and not the defeated corpse on the ground. Also…why are thinks considered bad players? Lol. someone min/maxes at a certain level and wrecks your scrub little face and THEYRE the bad ones? Please.


A good fight is a fight where I had a realistic chance of losing but outplayed my opponent , or I lose but learned about a weakness that I can build on.

If they were good they wouldn’t need to over gewr simply to take on people who are taking a break from questing while leveling up.

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WPvP after BG’s is basically dead and flawed to the core.

Terribly unbalanced, no mechanics or rewards like town sieging, so no point to doing it unless you’re fine playing an MMORPG without any rewards. GL being in greens/blues when raiders steamroll you in their ilevel 89 epics.

It’s one of those areas that could receive more developmental resources if Vanilla is to ever get new content. The faction war in Vanilla extends to PvE, it’s not just strict PvP combat like in some other games.

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that’s the whole point and reason to play rogue.

As long as you know you suck at the game.

i like my pasta salty

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I like my french fries salty.


For it’s time, vanilla wpvp was pretty good. But vanilla wpvp was pretty much “you can fight each other in the world”. By today’s standard wow is a very poor wpvp game. Most wpvp is ganking. I’m rolling PvE this time around, one of the reasons being that organized wpvp is more common than on a PvP server.

Personally, my opinion of people who claim to play wow for wpvp is that they lack the skill to play an actual wpvp game and just want to gank.

To each his own. Play what you want to play.


WPVP was fun for me in vanilla. Never started fights, always defended. Started doing that around the mid 20’s to max. Eventually got to recognize some of the same guys always attacking around the world. Whether in capitols or elsewhere. Had an orc shaman I played for fun because I was on a PVE server.

Whispered them one time after fighting them in a battle over 4 zones. Started hanging out with them in vent listening to them as they would sneak into IF or SW for some mischief. Then got invited along on some of their fun. Sometimes I would go, sometimes I would get on this guy to fight against them. Always had fun though. Would even duel them anytime I would pass them in the world for fun. Made some good friends in vanilla from WPVP.

WPVP is what you make of it.



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Wow, in general is a meme.
wow has had memes in it since it’s inception.
Linkin’s sword of mastery comes to mind.

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That’s it, I’m taking my baseball team of 25-30 year olds and signing them up for Little League.

Going to win us some games! Make those suckers quit and never come back too!

It’ll be great, show off our skills and thin out all those weaklings.

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Well typically because they’re blonde,young and dumb by definition but maybe that’s just a stereotype.


Funny enough, I never had so much WPvP like currently in BfA. Especially during assaults, things get pretty chaotic there, I love it.


Why does the Alliance always scatter during wPvP?

Recently (not in retail), I was headed to Zoram Strand and got ganked by 3 Alliance. Fine, it happens. Rezzed and arrived at my destination to find an undead mage and NE druid engaged. I assisted the mage and we killed the druid. Then the three Alliance who ganked me earlier showed up, the hunter sent in his pet and we killed it, then they scattered and ran away, even though they outnumbered us 3 to 2. We were all the same level.

Can’t believe I actually considered playing that faction for Classic. For shame.


Why stop there? Could always box a few pre schoolers to show everyone who’s boss. Chicks dig it