Wold PvP is a bit of a meme

Slap their momma’s in the mouth too!

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good god my grandmother used to say that :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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She plays WoW? Granny Marshal?

Fraid not lol she would have been like 104 by now.

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Primarily this was because the people who are chasing Honor knew it was a bad form.

World pvp isn’t about equal terms, it’s war, it’s get any advantage you can.

Would you go up vs a tank with a rifle? No, you’d retreat.

OP is this on a PVE server or what exactly?

If you want World PVP all you have to do is go to any level 55+ zone. There will be some pretty epic large group PVP every time a world dragon/boss is up.

What is a meme is that World PVP died when BGs started. I guess, if you are a World of Queuecraft player…

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When I think of World PVP I think of deafening a group of players that outnumber me or me and my 1-2 friends.

People who just camp barrens/redridge all day are actual retards.

Lol wpvp is fun because none of it is fair! Greifing lowbies in areas, tourmenting toons with poopy gear. None of it is fair, but fun to do, and even more fun to shut the ones doing it down!

I think what BGs killed might not have been open world PvP so much as the mass slaughter between Southshore-Tarren Mill that started when the honor system got rolling. I remember cluelessly landing in Southshore to quest, and after 2 solid minutes of lag, I noticed a basically continuous pile of skeletons leading out into Hillsbrad.

All this is, is confirmation that Alliance players are cowards.

We already knew that. :wink:

It was just a complete change in mentality of the players. TBC put horde and alliance on top of each other for sunwell dailies. Wrath sent everyone to ice crown. Cataclysm put everyone in an even smaller space with molten front.

This wasn’t because of BGs, it was just because of the players making the choice to just not fight and instead do whatever they were there to do.

What killed world PvP and things like SS & TM was simply that PvP lost its novelty.

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I remember having tons of fun with WPVP in tbc and wrath. And with flying out of the question Im even more so looking forward to big brawls. Don’t care much about ganking or being ganked at all. Just fun to sporadically be involved in pvp and the bigger the better.

I’m sure that’s true (was never that into PvP) but in the original SS vs TM days I feel like that was the only way to get honor.

World PvP has the potential to be amazing when each side has a large number of people. The best 1v1s are also out in the world. Battlegrounds are only good for getting PvP gear. I prefer raw PvP rather than chasing after flags, capping bases, or killing NPCs. PvE servers are always an option for you if don’t like random world PvP.