WoD was way better than BfA!

  • Our class designs were a lot more better
  • We still had PVP Vendors
  • No Artifact Grinding
  • Ashran was fun
  • PVP was fun
  • We also had plenty of times to level alts or play alts.
  • The Legendary Ring Questline was a great story

Stop making bad expansions seem better then worse expansions.

You are only going to foster more worse game design in the future.

Say Vanilla to Wrath is better then BFA at least.


Wod was not better then bfa , other then raiding all you did in the outside world was farm rares and tend to your garrison or pvp . Stop , just stop :stop_sign:. I do agree pvp was better and class design .

Most arguments against WoD boil down to there being nothing to do outside of raids.

If we’re going to argue that WQ’s make BfA superior to WoD, I have no hope for future expansions.


Mists is way better than Wrath. Cohesive storyline, the new class was balanced better, the lore was not only new but came with an innovative way to learn, the villain wasn’t predictable. I did not see Garrosh and the Bronze dragonflight working together to mess with time coming at all. Plus Garrosh didn’t end his raid as a loot piñata.

Seriously, go run ICC and watch what happens after Frostmourne breaks. Arthas just floats in the air until you kill him. He is a literal loot piñata in the end. Whose idea was that? Arthas should have sucked those souls into his body and become a Super Lich King or something. What a very strange climax.

“Cohesive Storyline in Mists”

Garrosh was turned from a brutal but honorable warrior and warchief in Cata as shown in the ending to the Stonetalon Mountains quest chain to a monstrous genocidal maniac that uses Old God powers to win.

Cohesive my foot.

As bad as WOD was, I didn’t stop playing 3 months in, so that says something about BFA.


He spared a few Ogres from death, that totally means he likes Humans and wouldn’t bomb them.

Because Ogres are humans.


Oh wait, you’re serious?


Seriously, no. There is no way, by any stretch of the imagination that WoD is better than BfA.

You know I take back what I said about ashran the new version is actually really fun and engaging and it’s like absolute bloody warfare galore.

For me last two patches were a let down. One island neded to be bigger with more intrestig quest. It realy done poorly. The two main city need to be you know actaul city. It takes about 55 minute to do all 5 dailies. That if being lazy. It starting to look like that selfie patch.

WoD was worse.
WoD was so bad, Blizz gave up on it. While 8.2 has been a huge save for BFA.
So no. WoD was not better on any level.

Uh, yeah, by necessity. As soon as you capped, it was raid, pvp or back to leveling. Not that I love the AP grind but the Apexis grind was by and large god awful.

I would bet WoD was when most people filled out their alt closet. I know that it was during WOD when I went from a capped rogue, a dk and a monk to one of everything, and professions capped.

People have been saying X was better than Y for years.

Many players hated Mists and Wrath when they were current and now they’re hailed as omg the best expansions EVAR.

I have no doubt that in 5-6 years BfA will be called the same. Nostalgia is a powerful emotion.

I wonder why you had plenty of time to level and play alts?

Are you forgetting m+?

I agree, wod was better then BFA. BFA is much worse but for many different reasons . Wod lacked content but the classes were fun to play. BFA has content that is not fun or meaningful and the classes suck and are boring.

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WoD was so bad, Blizz gave up on it. While 8.2 has been a huge save for BFA.

Hahahahaha…8.2 is being widely panned because it literally fixed none of the problems with BFA. It’s just more of the same.


8.2 has just been much more worse than the rest of the expansion. And it is only a couple days into it.

Sorry, but Quantity =/= Quality.


I prefer WoD if only because I enjoyed most classes and because we didn’t have all this scaling crap that dilutes the feeling of forward progression.

While it certainly had issues and a general lack of content, it at least played well in my opinion.

As it is right now with BfA, they could add all the content in the world into the expansion, and without major changes to core systems like class design, it would still play like crap.

Add in most activities feel unrewarding, the boring grind AP / azerite / essense system, and the idiotic scaling, and there just isn’t any way to elevate BfA over anything in WoW’s history.

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Yup wod was 100x better then bfa

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