WoD was actually better

We had Blackrock Foundry and Grommash.

We had a nice world and not only islands separated by each other.

We had Khadgar and dad jokes.

I miss WoD!


Good meme.


No. But it could of been a great expansion if they didn’t abandon it half way through.


BRF was 6.1? At first in 6.0 we only had Highmaul. And I never got out into the “beautiful world” because it was basically garrison chores -> Raid.

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Dont forget the fill up the bar ‘end game’.

As someone who mainly plays at the end of expansions, WoD seemed pretty good. :man_shrugging:


There wasn’t much to do in WoD. SL offers me a smorgasbord of repeatable daily content with mounts, pets and transmog.

WoD was a rehashed BC.

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WoD only barely gets a thumbs up because scaling didn’t exist in the world as we know it until Legion. So WoD was the last “one world” xpac and it gets my love for that.
WoD however did bring about the Great Pruning War though and it removed max camera zoom out distance so I’m a bit salty at it because of that.

No, I’m afraid any attempt to rehabilitate WoD’s distinction as the worst WoW expansion is doomed to failure.

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And that’s why people like it :rofl:

WoD was the only expansion I didnt buy a second month of gametime.

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I want to say WoD had potential… but it really didn’t I guess because their timeframe for making patch content means that it was doomed from the second it launched as half-baked as it did.

For all we know SL is doomed in the same way, but if
Blizz pulls that right after BFA…

I too liked Warlords. I am not a raider so I didn’t even notice they cut it short until a buddy of mine mentioned it.

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I mean, sure, I should have been suspicious seeing only three raids for that expansion instead of 5 or more like all the others, but when I was playing, there were three “new” raids and I wasn’t even thinking about it! :smiley:


Justice for WoD!


HFC was actually a fun raid. Maybe the only cool thing about WoD.

I’ve never understood why people liked BRF. And Highmaul was a joke.

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The farm in MoP was perfect.

It was only when they decided to base an expansion around this feature that they messed up. Real bad.

To that point, I actually would like to see something like the farm return since I enjoy many idle games, and now get my fix through Egg Inc, AdVenture Cap/Comm, and others…

I’ll take rp-walking the Maw over the 1 apexis daily any day.

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People seem to forget that the reason WOD was terrible wasn’t owed to design choices so much as a lack of content which made the issues much more obvious. Garrisons being absolutely nothing like player housing was forgivable up until you had almost nothing to do but sit in it all day.