WoD was actually better

Consistently your only defense of WOD is that there was no reason to play it. Which seems like the exact opposite of a games purpose.

SL may have its issues but you don’t get much worse than having a Dev team realizing that an expansion just needs to be abandoned.

I get threads like this to be honest. WoD doesn’t seem so terrible in mere retrospect. But if you were following it from when it was announced, in beta and watching them cut content left and right its a totally different story. WoD will always be the worst expansion to me. Not because of design choices, but because of total betrayal from the developers


I think you’re misunderstanding, when I say “there wasn’t anything to do” I mean I logged in on Tuesday, cleared M HFC then I was free to do what I wanted to do for the rest of the week. There was no M+ nonsense I had to do, no maw dailies, no anything I didn’t expressly desire. Raid, go have fun gg.

idk wod was the only xpac that was pulled early. shadowlands seems fine but its funny that we’ll prob get 9.1 news along with the TBC announcement at the same time

Sadly that crap is still present to this day.

Yup, and people praise Legion while ignoring the fact that it had taken 99% of the dev team off WOD before WOD had even shipped.

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SL is like BFA2

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WoD was great if you raided!

Good memories doing Highmaul, Blackrock Foundry, and Hellfire Citadel.

It was actually also Tier 17 with Highmaul. They were sister raids. It was slowrolled a bit after Highmaul though, but it did launch in 6.0.

6.1 was actually just the selfie camera patch.