Legion always bugged me. It was supposed to be this huge overpowering full scale invasion of Azeroth. We sacrificed heroes to try and stop it early and failed. And yet… we had pretty much free reign of the entire place immediately upon starting questing. Just some handful of random camps we stomp, totally unhindered when flying a couple patches later, just, absolutely nothing showing the severity of the situation after the intro. We just immediately contain the invasion to the island it started on and consistently win and make forward progress.
Then we build a spaceship for fun and fly to the Legion stronghold world and… take it over immediately and kill a Titan?
The threat never felt justified, and the sci fi nonsense in the latter half was over the top in a bad way. We literally fought a boss, in space, on TOP OF (not inside) a spaceship. ??????
I think the leaks could be real, but the zones feel like reused BfA stuff.
Either way, I think the scope of the game is shrinking with every expansion.BfA gave us like 8 new zones, with some older zones also getting revamped. SL gave us like 6 new zones? DF will give us 6 zones?
If the new expansion is true, it looks like we’re going to get a reskin of SL and DF. 4 starter zones, 4 starter dungeons, 2 hubs, 1 raid and 1 expansion specific gimmick. We’ll wait for a content patch, get 1 new zone, 1 new raid, 1 new dungeon and one new gimmick. Wait for another content patch, get 1 new zone, 1 new raid and maybe 1 new dungeon and maybe 1 new gimmick… then wait for the next expansion where we repeat this process.
that’s because if you use console commands on the pc and type in /noclip command you realize NONE OF THE OUTSIDE AREA HAS BEEN DEVELOPED AND HAS NO COLLISION. you disable noclip and you fall right through the world map forever.
The world’s changed a lot since Cataclysm. They don’t have to stick to the current scale and layout. Westfall could finally flourish again, Northshire could expand, Azuremyst could host a real effort by draenei to build a home on Azeroth, things like that. To me that’d be a lot more interesting to explore, honestly.
Why must there always be a new race or class? Why? They can’t balance the ones they have now. They can’t give proper customizations to the ones they have now.
Why? What is the mindset of people like this? I get thinking like this when WoW was brand new or a few expacs in but aside from tinker and maybe bard they have pretty much all the classic and expanded D&D class archetypes and tinker isn’t practical because we have an engineering profession and rogues and hunters already have certain tinker-like things split between them. Bard is more complicated but monks and now evoker kind of are like it but wow group content isn’t set up for anything but damage dealers, tanks, healers and they’re not about to rework that for purely support classes. Besides the fact that group sizes are limited and to introduce a new class again you’d have to find a utility purpose where anyone wants to take them anywhere in raids and M+ and to do so you’d need to either uber-buff them to ridiculously overpowered (and then probably nerf them to nothing an expac later resulting in mass abandonment and grouching from those who adopted them and should have known better) or nerf a bunch of other existing classes and destroy their play-styles which is even more unfair to people who may have fallen in love with something and been running it for a decade.
If you can’t find a class to play currently which you like frankly you’re either hard to please or asking to make the situation worse as, as I mentioned earlier Blizzard cannot properly balance the classes we have now and such has been the case since pretty much WoW’s inception. Adding more on will not increase the chances of balance being achieved, just shift some favoritism to and from classes for a while and split limited developer resources even further.
I am begging the people who demand new classes especially to please consider the sorry state WoW is in. The fact MS isn’t going to throw gobs of money at them to hire additional devs to maintain more classes and the fact that currently it’s likely many classes do not have a dedicated dev but devs split between them and other classes.
Honestly nowadays I get a lot more excited about opening up classes to new races than new classes altogether, so I kind of agree with you here. As far as races, I always welcome new options, though Dracthyr massively missed the mark for me - especially tying a new class and race exclusively into each other. Not sure what they were thinking with that.
Aside from thoughts about the mortality of pork. I think you’re right, something about keeping things a little more grounded feels right, given how Shadowlands just presented us with cosmos destroying implications.
None of the zones in that preview look any different from what we’ve been getting for the past few years. I wanted them to dazzle me with the next expansion’s continent, and since it looks like they failed at that, the odds of me getting this expansion have waned.
Ordinarily, I’d be more skeptical with fake leaks being more common than ever, but the existence of the lightning harpies in the Gorgrond-esque canyon zone probably means it’s real, given how often they’ve been used as zone filler and we had fel harpies back in Legion.
That’s what I keep saying. People keep acting like a new race or class will make or break an expansion, yet always find faults with the ones we’ve been getting.
Add a new class? Get immediate complaints that it’s something other than tinker, bard, or necromancer, and it either launches with at least one busted spec (DK, DH, evoker) or ends up consistently unpopular for years after release (monk).
Add a new race? Get immediate complaints that it’s something other than ogres or sethrak, then later complaints about its class selection, range of barber options, and faction allegiance. If the leak is real, then I’m expecting a large part of the Horde playerbase to beg Blizzard for playable Agg’ora if they’re not playable off the bat.