WoD the bloated Patch: If Avalaron leaks are true we're doomed

There is an interesting scenario if they did as the Highmountain Tauren would’ve been at war on the Broken Isles either pushed by Tyrande with the Nightborne or Sylvanas with the horde. :memo::robot:

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Well, I suspect the game isn’t going to do the Elder Scrolls “You can’t go this direction, turn back” invisible walls thing, so you’re kind of screwed I guess. It’ll either be a landmass surrounded by water or a landmass surrounded by a bottomless pit.

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Stand in front of 4 hills and take screenshots, make a list of the last 3 NPCs and races you’ve seen, and you’ll basically have as “full” of a list as the most credible leak so far.


Figures. Hilariously on-brand for the forums to already have doomsday posts about it, I guess.

I’d just like to see a decent archipelago… once…


Wow purple Djardin I’m so excited at the edge of my seat

No one is thinking this, still doesn’t dispute the fact the setting is lame

Please god no more cosmic level stuff. The stories always fall flat.

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I liked Legion up until we took a space ship to Argus. I feel like a giant portal would have sufficed.


Yeah legion went too far into sci-fi.

Also we never should have fought a titan.

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They also leaned a bit too hard on the green for the Legion, honestly.

To be slightly fair there though, we fought a Titan while supercharged on, like, 6 kinds of God Juice™, between the artifact weapons, legendaries, several rituals where raw sources of energy were channeled directly into our equipment, the remains of both one of the most prominent Naaru and a Void Naaru, relics taken from various sources like Titan-made devices and the Legion’s highest ranking members, and the direct intervention of 6 other Titans.

We had a lot of help to hit that far above our paygrade.


It doesn’t matter, it is a cosmic entity it should not be dealt with by mortals as it skews perspective only cosmic entities should deal with cosmic entities, I don’t care about “why or how” it kills the tone of things.

I literally killed the God of death why would I give two rats about whatever the heck is going on with centaurs.

Also on the same note, Illidank is cool, but sargeras is a cosmic horror 87x the size of azeroth that cleaves planets in two, he should not be 1v1ing him on rust (headshots only) in a magic box.

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It’s just pictures. There’s not really much to go on to even start complaining. Even if it is real.


Admittedly the cosmic stuff always takes me out of the game. I’m also not overly fond of the Lovecraftian horror aesthetic in video games anyway, kinda ruins the whole point of cosmic horror.

In fact we are already even more condemned, do you want a floated expansion that they didn’t realize? Well, Dragonflight is following in the footsteps of the same WoD.

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It always does in nearly every story that tries to do it.

Cosmic/Divine always was meant to play a background role in every work of fiction.

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Definitely. “Unfathomable horror beyond human comprehension” just translates to gooey tentacle monsters with eyeballs everywhere. Not very exciting.

I’m mostly fine with a “dwarf” xpac.

I’m just tired of all these islands and entire continents just magically appearing out the hidden mist. Azeroth grows smaller every xpac. We’re running out of room.

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The Shadowlands leaks were way better than what we got though.

Also worth mentioning that the Titan we fought was basically a fetus that had its “blood” drained for eons.

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Basing an entire expansion on 4 images.

Typical GD.