WoD the bloated Patch: If Avalaron leaks are true we're doomed

No expansion looks more mid than the Avalaron leaks.

Link to leaks

Link to the Bloated Patch orginal criticisms

No new class, no new race and the new race is basically dwarves but make them orcs( primal esque)


To be honest, I don’t think Avaloren’s gonna be it.

Firstly, Irikiron or however you spelled it went into the void portal with “allies” and mentioned to Chromie of timelines.

I wonder if Void related or other timelines gonna be the theme next expansion. I really don’t know which direction DF is going, it’s kind of bland storyline–still better than SL though.

it’s almost definitely as generic as it is on purpose.

Even if Shadowlands wasn’t received so terribly, Blizz would have known Shadowlands was going a little ham with… everything, and would want a cooldown period to follow it rather than terminal ham.


The next expansion is underground

Highly doubt it with the fact that lili is headed west and so did that green dragon. Got there
… they didn’t dig there.

If we go to another island I quit

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More of a peninsula man?


Bro coulda scrolled for 2 seconds to see them debunking all the images

But nah, rage farm is funner


Vs. Blizzard Lizards, this is an improvement.


People Debunk the Shadowlands leak, this leak is more than likely 100% legit and it looks mid asf.

4 new zones, eight dungeons, and a story no one cares about rinse repeat.


GG,A leak from 2013 is a leak from 2023?

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The second image with the odd dwarf looks like a Skardyn which were dwarves cursed by Xal’atath. :notebook_with_decorative_cover::robot:


edit: While only encountered in the novel, we do have items from them.

If the caverns is any type of source, you are dead wrong!

IF it really is about Dwarfs, i am out! Not happening in my book.

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Another island hidden by magical mist oooooo000000000ooooo000


Considering the Skardyn, i’m sure there’s a crowd waiting for Xal’atath. :crystal_ball::robot:

At least it’s not around the Highborne again? :mag::robot:

edit: no offense to the night elves. :pray:

Forgive me if I’m wrong but I don’t see this as a bad thing


Why do people assume one leaked picture is the whole xpac. Are you stupid op?


Iridikron. If you are going to post, at the very least, get the name right.

I’m sorry, Horde. Alliance should’ve gotten the Nightborne. We deserve it. You guys don’t. I mean, they turn Thrall into a dumpster fire and now you guys have to put up with this? On behalf of the Alliance, I am so sorry.

Did I miss content deep dive leaks? This seems premature.