WoD Style Gearing

Don’t tie gear to rating, problem solved. Honestly its quite simple.
Solved lfg system, rated can go back to being for guilds and hardcore teams, not a group of randoms…
Also helps solve boosting in pvp issue.
Will bring back players to world pvp cause they not spending a whole season trying to hit 2k for the gear just to be good in world pvp, the balancing of pvp and pve gear in world pvp makes sense to do just makes it more fair might incentivise pve players to help their fraction in cities when they being raided


It would bring back hundreds of casuals to pvp who don’t have time to sit and do rated content over and over for months till they hit a high rating

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speaking of, vault needs to be removed from the game or if they insist on the continuation of it (see command tables, follower missions, etc) then cap the gear to the ilvl which you get for that content.

is there a catch up mechanic that bypasses the vault for ilvl pieces?

our ‘elitist jerk’ leader hard at work :unamused:

People actually put warmode on?

There is zero incentive to do so


The marketing strategy is to take an old feature that players liked a lot and use it as the name for a program that actually doesn’t resemble that old program at all.

Remember when “PvP vendors” were announced early in development, and lots of people said “PvP is fixed!” and prepurchased Shadowlands? Then “Honor gear”, and more prepurchases and subs. Then in comes “Valor”, which helps hardly anybody, and even them barely at all. But lots of people resubscribed because “Valor system!”

When they announced “Wod-style PvP gearing” I knew they were going to spend a lot of resources developing a system that wouldn’t resemble the gearing we had in wod. The big problems with PvP are not being addressed by this.

Experimenting on the playerbase to see if there’s a way to make old, failed ideas work by trying harder at them. As a player without a PvP background, Ion probably has lots of ideas based on his long experience with PvE.



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