I was looking to display monuments at my garrison and have earned at least one through an achievement, it’s not there when I go to display a momument.
I only got one back then…
It was in my bag… Had to place it there in the room. I have no paid time, so I can not go to see if it is still there.
you talking about archaeology rewards? the monuments are outside on big stone pedestals.
No it was a Alliance one … Room off the big building.
yeah think we’re talking about two different things here…
Oh… Ok. I don’t think I had any outside.
Have you checked a Fan site? Like wowhead or another?
2 year old post might help…
This is a garrison monument:
This is not.
Those last two pictures are Archaeology pristine artifact display rooms in your Level 3 garrison town hall.
Looks like it was a known bug a while ago but they just decided not to fix it.
It’s been reported for a long time (months, maybe years). But they’re overwhelmed with pushing new content and fixing the bugs in that, so cosmetic content from an outdated expansion is probably going to be too low priority to get any attention.
Yeah I guess its only a big deal to rp’ers like myself who still use the Garrison as a sort of player housing for rp’ing. Small community I guess so you’re right.
Checking in on 11/28/2024, Garrison achievement monuments still broken.
This made me big sad. I’ve spent years farming the 100,000 Apexis crystals needed to get the monument. Just hit the mark this afternoon, got the achievement “Master of Apexis” and ran over to my monument pedestals… nothing.
This has been broken for me since at least during Battle for Azeroth. I’m not banking on it ever being fixed.
Feb 2025 and it still isn’t working for me. Submitted a bug report to Blizzard. Hope it comes back someday.