WoD crafted transmog going away?

If you’re missing those items at this point aren’t you just outta luck? You might be able to get some of them before prepatch but all of them?

Probably since the time required for the mats are huge. Forgot just how hard it was to make those upgrade thingies.

Yeah, i’m really worried about this for that very reason, i’m missing most appearances and i love yo collect transmog since i’m a roleplayer :slightly_frowning_face: .
I don’t think i can make all of them before the next patch

Whelp this blows big time.


I’m glad I crafted all these looks aloooooooooong time ago.

Edit: Thanks for point this out, btw. This thread made me double check.

lol I been posting on this for a month…

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No one listens to Jerauld :frowning: The true wowhead

Would a month have even been enough time?

A month should be enough time but if the prepatch is tomorrow, whoever doesn’t have it now probably won’t get it. Maybe if they have thousands of gold to burn?

Thanks for the heads up! I’ve been working on these slowly whenever I remember them but I guess it’s time to get my butt in gear.

Your butt better be solidly in 6th gear :rofl:

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Hopefully they don’t need Savage Blood on Area 52. Just looked and the cheapest are 400g per lol

Nevermind, someone undercut by 310g, 90 per now lol

95g each on Moon Guard now. Man if I didn’t spend my Primal Spirit years ago on all this junk, I could have made a killing.

Hindsight 20/20 and all that.

Imagine if you could go back in time (and would still play wow :rofl: ) knowing everything you know now how obscenely OP you’d be lol.

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Well, not OP but definitely Scrooge McDuck rich.

No you’d be OP too I’d bet, how many times have you done the dungeons in wow? All the raid mechanics would be trivial to you, you’d know “the best” for every xpac.

And yeah you’d be rich too, bonkers rich. Just make guild bank upon guild bank filled with level 1 shirts that go for 1m gold now lol.

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— You only need to reach 3 / 6 to get the appearance, which is just the regular upgrade essences. No Savage or Mighty needed. :slight_smile:

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You need 45 Savage Bloods to get the first three ranks.

Oooh! I might be thinking the other one… Felblights. I haven’t slept much because farming. :frowning:

Example of the tailoring upgrade thingy.

This still isn’t fixed. Anyone know of plans/communication from Blizz?