Get your WoD upgrade color appearances now

I reported this earlier, but now is really your last chance at getting the upgrade colors on WoD crafted gear before prepatch. I made the report that the Upgrade Essences don’t work after prepatch locking you out of acquiring additional colors of pieces like Supple, Wayfaring, Hexweave, Truesteel, and Steelforged weapons.

As of the current PTR patch (updated today) all existing Essence upgrade (that uses Savage Blood and Felblight) will be removed from the game. Only the base color appearance will be available after the prepatch, if you have not acquired the two additional upgrade colors, you need to do them now or lose out on them forever.

Edit: I also tested crafting and equipping an unacquired appearance on PTR, it only unlocks that one color not all 3.


I doubt thats intentional…might be a bug. PTR is always buggy, example…SOME but not all covenant back pieces show up.

They removed all the Essence upgrade crafted items from every WoD profession as of the latest PTR patch which updated an hour ago. They are gone completely making the access to the two alternate colors unobtainable.

Have you checked the trainers and recipe vendors? Perhaps they’ve added more armor.

Or, barring that, try crafting them with those items that set the item’s level to 30/40/50. Perhaps that’ll do something since they’re kinda similar to the “stages.”

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I’m so sick of Blizzard pulling this stunt.

  1. Base Vendor does not have extra recipes, I can’t check the daily trader as they are random spawns.

  2. I tried crafting multiple versions with each 1-5 upgrades, they all use the base color appearance.

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They’ve replaced the old essence system with the Relic of the Past system that uses mats from that expac, just looked on PTR

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This is 1 reason I love FFXIV in terms of devs and communication, they do not remove stuff “in the shadows”, or ever… to be exact. If something is changing they fully communicate it and change back if its not liked, cause game director actually cares about our opinion. They also don’t remove anything that isn’t a promotional thing. Yes that means every expac’s shiny weapons that you had to grind hard and all appearances - they stay. Yes that means every mount ever. Ect ect.

But WoW has such a bad habit of shadow-removing content without notice that its ridiculous now. And Ion reufses to communicate with us how we feel about it.


That just upgrades the item level, it has no effect on the transmog apppearance colors the old system provided. Each WoD crafted item has 3 color variants which are acquired through upgrading them with Essences. Those 2 extra colors are the focus, not the ilevel upgrades.

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Sounds to me like option 2 should be how the appearances should be handled, it’s so… plain that it almost feels like an oversight that they don’t. Best move would be to get people to submit it using the suggestion/bug report tools, I think.

Wow I had no idea this level of interaction can exist.

Any updates on this or is Blizzard just dumping on us again?


Have you tested using Relics of the Past to gain the appearances? They may have removed the old items and added the alt tints to the new system.

They’ve already tested and found that they currently don’t.

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Hopefully this is all just a bug: it would be a very odd thing to remove from the game.

Maybe, they removed the old recipes because they are updating them to solely change appearance? Who knows.

(Pssst, add the appearances to the Relic of the Past system.)

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I’ve already filed an item-specific bug report and a suggestion in the beta for them to do just this. I recommend everyone else do the same. The unmodified craft and Relic 1 could give the level 1 appearance, Relic 2/3 could give level 2, and Relic 4/5 could give level 3.

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It could still wind up being an oversight that will never, ever get fixed. They’ve done stuff like that before.

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If it involves WoD do not expect it to get sorted.

The expansion is currently a mess of bugs, inconsistent scaling and areas where everything phases out when you enter it meaning you cannot retrieve quest objectives and these are all issues that have been noted and reported going back more than eighteen months.


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This reminds me of that First Aid achieve in Legion, where they started dropping those notes for you to follow up on early in the expansion, then stopped them until the announcement was made “Look at what we’re removing at the last minute, you’d better start grinding this right now if you want to still get it!”