With this SL hate... I think people need a reminder

After thread after thread on why SL is bad in X and Y… alot of you people need to reflect on what was said on these very same forums a year ago. Because Blizzard did listen and I really think alot of people are not realizing.

  1. Many many threads ago were posts of how your weekly BFA chest was 3 cloaks back to back, or bracers that doesn’t benefit you… well that solution is Great Vault, but doing only 1 thing you’re literally doing the same thing as BFA chests… and still rant about it, because great vault isn’t meant to do the bare minimum.
  • ranted about azerite pieces over and over, on how X or Y azerite pieces do not benefit you because the traits it got were a waste… well they removed that and given you the option of farming your legendary with simple torghast runs for soul ash… yet once more this isn’t what you want to do. It’s literally titan residuum, except you have control of what “Azerite” power you can have in a legendary gear form.
  1. the majority of General Discussion ranted on how azerite grinding was horrible as it never ended and you needed to grind it forever and ever… well thats now called anima, and its not even tied to you except for cosmetics and covenant upgrades, yet once people don’t like anima even though you only need 1000 for the week vs farming 100,000s of azerite to rank up 1 level on your heart of azeroth.
  • Angry over the fact that your legendary wrathion cloak took forever to catch up, but they eventually gave you a catch up. Thats now called renown catch up and its given to you at the start and a lot easier than limited to 2 a week on wrathion cloak upgrade.
  1. Horrific Visions costing currency to enter for cosmetic rewards, so Blizzard took that concept and created Torghast with no currency to enter, many times as you want, just as majority praised torghast for last year, yet now these same people hate it
  • corruption powers was randomized, many hated it, so blizzard added a vendor to fix it. This is now called Runecarver memories, except this time you can get it whenever as you please and many chances of getting your certain legendary.
  1. gear drops were still the same situation in BFA… especially in Nya’lotha, this I don’t understand why this is still a problem now, classic players took 40 people to a raid with loot that drops 2-3 pieces. You dealt with it during BFA, why be sour over it for the same drop system?
  • world quest grind was alot more time effort in BFA and many have said they did not want to spend majority of their time doing BFA world quests in Kul Tiras/Zandalar/Mechagon/Nazjatar/Vale/Uldum old god invasions. Theres now less world quests in all 4 SL zones, reducing time and effort on world quests, yet once again still rant

Theres many more things to point out what have been said in the past, but don’t you get it… all of General Discussion complaints in BFA, Blizzard did listen and applied them in one way or another, yet now ranting about SL stuff that has BFA feedback that was taken by the very same forums giving these exact same solutions…

Hating the solutions that General Discussion gave in BFA for SL doesn’t make sense…


Sure they toned them down, but they’re still there.

I haven’t gone far in SL yet, but this is what I would want:
Gear I can work towards buying, or looting from a loot table. Gear that has definite ilvls and isn’t variable. Gear that eventually is BiS and you can move on to something else. That’s how alts are born, or how players feel accomplished. Because there’s an end.

Upgrading covenants and getting gear to give you powers should have just been part of talent trees. It feels weird not built into a character.

Torghast might be okay, but classes are a mess. I think these complaints are from classes/specs that make it too hard.

I personally enjoyed the reputation system of TBC the most as a world quest type. Players would be out in the world. And there was an end to them. Once again, some accomplishment.

Personal loot system in classic with 40 man raids and 2-3 loot drops per boss would have been a nightmare. That’s why there was Master Loot.

All in all, I think the complaints were heard, Blizzard just doesn’t know how to fix it. Or doesn’t Want to fix it that way.


It’s like people are now asking for the exact opposite of what the community long requested for


at this point you’re just trolling. We literally lost WQ’s that were “kill one dude” and now all of the long and multi-staged.


Now people are getting 3 of the same armour pieces in the vault.

Some classes breeze and faceroll torghast whilst others have to get perfect rng to be even viable. Some people can’t afford or have no time to get the base item for their legendary, people on low pop realms are most affected by this.

Anima grind is also needed for player progression, soulbinds are tied to renown (which is gained through anima), therefore tying into player progression.

I agree renown catchup is a good thing, however when you start to get close to the current cap, you get less and less, renown catchup does not let you get to the current max (from what i’ve heard)

Because in the beta torghast was actually fun, then blizzard changed everything and realised that no one would actually do it so they tied player power behind it, there is no point in entering torghast more than once or twice a week. Also class balancing is a major issue.

The drop rate of these were stupidly low and some people still don’t have the legendary they are chasing. You also need to spend the gold/materials to get the base item, which increases in cost over time as you upgrade.

BfA loot drops were bad because of x-forging, SL loot is just pure garbage, 3 drops per boss in raid and 2 for a successful key, 1 for a deplete does not make loot meaningful, people are quitting (myself included) because the game is not rewarding, people didn’t ask to nerf loot, they asked to get rid of corruption and x-forging.

SL WQ are far worse than bfa, there is no ‘kill x person’ or go kill this one big elite, now they are tedious, extremely spaced apart and take time to do.

Beta testers gave blizzard all this great feedback and they chose not to do anything with it. The game is going downhill but blizzard will fix it when subs drop low. That or they will add another store mount.


The problem is that the developers went overboard (again) adding things and taking them away.

  • Gear progression in BFA was an utter mess. It rained gear like crazy. Now the pendulum has swung in the other direction.
    Instead of using professions or tokens, something players can work towards and doubles as ‘bad luck protection’, we got nothing.

  • Torghast is ‘okay’. It’s not particularly memorable and having it be the only source of Soul Ash was a pretty stupid move.

Most of the issues that people have could’ve been easily solved through professions, but for some bizarre and bewildering reason, Blizzard seems ashamed of even including them into the game.


Translation: “This is just as bad if not worse, you should appreciate what the devs do for you instead of complaining that they’ve removed fun, engagement, and reward from the game”.

Go fly.


Yes, but you don’t really have to do World Quests in Shadowlands, whereas they were a mandatory grind in BFA.

Even if the World Quests themselves take longer to complete, you’re spending far less time performing them than we were in BFA.

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doing emissaries was always enough to get exalted before flying gets released.

Just because BFA trash systems were horrible doesn’t mean SL trash systems are better.

Both are absolute garbage. They were good only in Legion and only because it was a first time and new. Now it’s third time in a row with more timegating and playtime metrics boosting. Don’t even have a whistle


But that wasn’t the only reason to do world quests in BFA and Legion.

The azerite grind was exactly that, a grind.

There’s nothing comparable to that or artifact power in Shadowlands.

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You know there is a possibility you haven’t considered.

BFA was bad.

SL is also bad.

Crazy huh?


That’s so totally kewl that they eliminated casual content to pander to raid loggers who fantasize that casuals would join their guilds and become elite mythic raiders if only all casual content was removed from the game.

So you want to play wow as a single player game. Looks like you may have your wish come true.

Be careful what you wish for, because you may get it.

For people who actually like to play the game, the quests were rewarding in their own right. They gave a variety of rewards (and still do).


It’s monkey paw wish fulfillment. Instead of taking the recommendations players made along with complaints, they just picked out new tedious things they’d hate even more. Like world quests with half a dozen different extra tasks that take as long as several BFA world quests, with even less reward to them.

They also haven’t addressed borrowed power. Instead of baking everything fun from old expansions into classes (e.g. Artifact and Azerite traits), they drip-feed some of it back as talents or temporary abilities and the rest vanishes forever.


So what you’re saying is the game is getting progressively worse with every expansion/patch? Lovely.


Problem is they listened to the streamer crowd. I have nothing in common with how they play. The design philosophy and how hard it is to interact with the game is not fun. Pandemic saved this expansion–for now.


Yes they listened but unfortunately those complaints don’t represent everyone playing the game. People who are happy with things generally don’t contribute much on this forum. Plus the changes made due to those complaints in a lot of cases interfered with other peoples enjoyment of the game.


This stuff isn’t binary. Just because something unpopular got changed does not automatically guarantee that the changed version should be good.

Just taking Visions vs Torghast as an example: Visions was a fast paced, action packed scenario. Torghast is a tedious slog that takes an extremely long time for no good reason.


In what way?

While I agree with you that players did ask for gear to matter more and to have it raining from the sky from what I could tell around here is that most were looking to have titanforging removes, along with borrowed power and then something done with the weekly chest.

So yeah they got rid of titanforging, but the borrowed power remains, and the vault is only better than the chest if you play a crap ton, and even then if your luck stinks you can be SOL. Then to boot they nerfed the amount of gear overall in group content that was dropping, which honestly wasn’t really needed.

Players were looking for a way to have more control about what they earned. They were looking for a badge system, or crafting brought into it, and no they weren’t refering to a couple of base items you need for a legendary.

Torghast isn’t really that much different than visions, other than the fact you don’t need to farm for a currency. That one they did get right.

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Pretty much. When people say Blizzard listened, thats what they mean.

I have noticed something with these streamers too. They will praise certain content in beta (cough Torghast) and when it is rejected by the average player as being way too time consuming and frankly boring, streamers will start blaming Blizzard for changing things and the company being the cause.

Truth is these hardcore players are on completely different wavelengths from the average player.

Whats really funny is hardcore players WANTED loot scarcity. No way did casual players want that.

Now that its happened everyone is up in arms because what they really meant was loot scarcity for everyone else but themselves.