With the loss of portals

I am willing to help out with occasional portal. I don’t normally follow public chat, so if you see me and want a portal, please whisper me directly. I will help if I am able, but please do not become upset if I do not reply, as I am likely AFK or tabbed out.


This is a good idea! Feel free to ping me when you see me :smile: mages gotta help ^^


I’m willing to /laugh and /wave at you while I teleport to the Emerald Dreamway. Feel free to PM me if you needa get stunted on.


Always willing to help someone out too. Don’t hesitate to whisper!

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Which portals did we lose? Are we talking about the Shrine?

From here, what’s being removed (as of now):

Dalaran (Legion)

Ironforge/Thunder Bluff
Caverns of Time
Dalaran Crater
The Exodar/Silvermoon City
Wyrmrest Temple
Vale of the Eternal Blossoms

Shrine of the Seven Stars/Two Moons

Dalaran (Northrend)

Dalaran (Northrend)

Caverns of Time


Hellfire Peninsula

Oof. World’s about t’ get a whole lot smaller.

I shall tip every mage I see with a hug! … Or some fancy gold coins if you’re allergic to hugs.

What are they trying to do with this? Inconvenience their players?

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I’m actually a little puzzled, myself.

Occasionally, Blizzard gets the idea that they need to make their world feel bigger, which is ostensibly driving the decision here. But a world full of content that nobody wants to do is not aided by being bigger, so there’s really no way they could have thought this was a good idea unless, of course, they were actively disregarding and not listening to their playerbase.

But what are the chances of that happening.


Just further evidence that Blizzard neither understands the game they are developing nor the people that play it.


A large problem I have/had was the initially condescending/sarcastic post that came in response to portal loss. (Of course, words can’t so much convey emotion.) Even with all of that, all this means is just more afk tabbed out/second monitor flying while I have to take longer to get to places to do the content I actually -want- to do. I just don’t see where the whole concept of ‘danger’ even comes from in this regard. The world doesn’t feel larger at all. If anything, it just makes me want to stay confined to the city and not do old content runs and stuff. :c


ESO and GW2 two games I always see numerous people in any zone I may be in at any given time.

Two games with a plethora of easily accessible teleports littered throughout each map.

It should be fairly obvious why this is the case. However Blizzard, it seems, don’t understand their own game and players anymore.


I’m just… …


Speechless for once.

Seems like they’re getting rid of unnecessary portals, and moving each expansion’s main portal to a new portal room. So all the portals you’ll need for leveling are conveniently in one place.

The Exodar
Dalaran (Northrend)
The Jade Forest
Hellfire Peninsula (talk to Honor Hold Mage / Thrallmar Mage )

Cata’s portals in north Stormwind remain. Twilight Highlands, Hyjal, etc. Those can be used to get closer to some of the removed portals’ zones. Like the Twilight Highlands to get to Undercity/DalaranCrater/Gilneas. Hellfire can be similarly used to fly to Shattrath. Northrend Dalaran can be used to get to Wyrmrest Temple. Ironforge/Thunderbluff can of course be reached by tram/blimp. Not sure about Karazhan and Caverns of Time… or Darnassus…

If it were up to me, I’d say perhaps add a basement level to this new portal room, with all those extra portals available to unlock via leveling or questing, or just access upon request. I can see where having two dozen portals scattered around the city would make it confusing for a new player trying to find their way through old content.

Then again, this makes Mages and Druids quite special… not to mention Warlocks, hearthstones, and summoning stones.

Oh hey. Lookie there… there -is- a basement door for that new portal room. There wasn’t one on that wall before.

I play ESO and one of the things I love about it is the ease of getting around. It’s even easier if you get player housing, because you can travel for free to any house you own. I

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This is a conspiracy by the kirin tor to make infinitely more money.


“bUt LeSs pOrTaLs mAkEs tHe gAmE mOrE iMmErSiVe!!1”

  • Blizzard
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Wait wait, how are we getting to Outland now? Do we just skip that and go to Northrend with the new leveling system?