With the loss of portals

Always have a note in my TRP to whisper me if you need a portal, and that will always stand! Hopefully the new portal rooms will be good, though.

It seems you’ll still be able to be teleported to Hellfire Peninsula by speaking to an NPC in (near? I forget) the portal room. So, no portal per se, but a dialogue option that does the same thing.

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There is a portal to Shattrath City as well. So that will take you to Outland.

However, Bornakk said that the portals needed for quests will appear if you’re on that quest. Seems like they could make them appear all the time if that is the case. Unfortunately, none of the portals that are lost have an equivalent mage portal to replace them with. Well I guess Ironforge but people can just use the tram for that.

This is a very poorly thought out attempt to make the world feel “bigger” while having literally no understanding as to why people dont go out into the world in the first place.

As per usual Blizzard is exhibiting signs of extreme disconnect with what the players want/what would actually accomplish what they are clearly trying to do.


“Half the internet views us as the manifestation of Satan on Earth, on top of our actual product quality going down 200%. What do?”

“Remove already-implemented conveniences.”

“Whew, we’re saved.”


they’re removing content to promote content

the absolute mad lads


Only Blizzard could change their game to force people to do content they don’t like, rather than make the content better, and act like they’ve solved a problem.

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I’m not on very often a lot anymore but if you see me around either on Fina or on Soladaera (my mage) or if you have me on bnet and can see what of my alt mountain I’m on poke me and I’ll hop on my mage if I’m not busy.

We think we want portals, but we don’t. Don’t you guys have mages?

Seriously, I’m sure Blizz is thinking that they’ll increase player online time by making them travel more, and/or that the world will appear more populated if we all have to go to the same spots to port, but the decision is a bad one. I really don’t think they’ll admit it’s a mistake and walk it back, despite the yuuuuuge thread in general discussion. Too bad, really.


I always come at things from a lore perspective. So I’m just salty they’re removing them from Dalaran. The MAGE city.


On one hand, I’m looking forward to the cleft of shadows being more RP friendly since there won’t be so much rando foot traffic passing through.

On the other, oof oof oof at everything that Blizz person said :woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming:

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Inb4 four months down the line…

“Blizzard is excited to announce Portals! We’ve heard you really miss the old days before you had to take long winding flightpaths! Portals now available account wide, purchasable from the in-gamestore! Now with a discount in celebration of Midsummer’s Festival!”


fishes monocle out of wine glass

“We know there’s a 5k+ posts thread about what you all think about Portals, but it’s not the feedback we were hoping for so please let us know what you think!”


“We know you’re pissed at this frankly baffling decision that completely missed the point of why the world is empty but we frankly dont care and are going to ignore the 5000+ post thread because it’s not what we want to hear.”

Yep, I did. I wrote a novel.

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That is a literally insane response. How can you be that tone deaf? They have to know how that looks.

Nothing is more immersive than the city of mages not having portals.


Remember how in every new expansion there’s a questline or big thing of dialogue of finally getting to set up portals to get reinforcements and supplies from home base?

So what you’re saying is in 8.1.5 we’ll get a quest to open a portal to Blizz HQ so they can just pop a leg through to kick us in the butt without getting out of their chairs.