What are some things you like to do to help other players, or things others have done to help you? There’s the common ones but others maybe not so much.
Giving away bags is something I see many people do and have done myself. Nothing like claiming those bags on a fresh character!
Once saw someone “giving away however much gold is in my mailbox for the day”, was the one to get it, and was quite a decent amount. Helped my main at level 36 on era tremendously.
I’ve had the idea (though not the resources or time to make happen) to be a traveling salesman of sorts showing up in various zones. I’d give various items, potions, bags, gear, gold, etc, to whoever opens trade. For free of course! (I’m not a good salesman)
Free runs through dungeons or helping with elite quests is a decently common one.
And then there’s where a random person will just open trade and give you random things (usually useful) without saying a word and then running off.
I’m interested to hear more, I’m sure many of you are very creative!
i buff low level warlocks when i pass them.
and wonder if they’ll give me underwater breathing or not 
I give gold to whoever player isn’t a coward and responds to random world PvP to help stablish faction dominance,and to those who are passing by ignoring the PvP on a PvP server, I’ll whisper them and say they are 

and proceed to follow them and grief them along with a /spit emote so that they will learn to behave like a man next time.
Here’s one example I was lvl60 and saw a group of 5 allies moving to WC, I instantly started killing them and making their dungeon run harder to do and ofc some of them were rogues and tried to be smart with their cringe cc, saw many of my low level hordies passing by like cowards all except one, that was a rogue undead level 20 something he decided to engage the enemy rogue, guess what happened next? That’s right I gave that lvl 20 something rogue 150g as a reward for being a manly player and have acted like a real PvP player in a PvP server, needless to say his worries for a 40 lvl mount were covered 20 levels ahead, and this happened when we were on week 2 after launch where gold was limited, the rogue player was happy btw.
I play nearly every ‘era’ of Wow to one degree or another and often have multiple fairly skilled crafters to draw on. I will shamelessly help new players to the limit of my skills and on hand supplies, bags being pretty high on my list but expanding to such mundane items as wands in classic iterations and general armor type gear as mats are available. I will also hand out gold if I have any at all I can spare and I really don’t care if that player ‘deserves it’ or whatever. All I ever want or ask is that they pay it forward when they’re able. I do this not to get guild members or a pat on the back or even friends but because I can, and I know how much a small boost at the right time can make game play so much more fun. I don’t have any notion doing this makes me ‘special’ or any nonsense and I do this in addition to helping struggling players getting ganged by critters out in the world. It’s what I do simply because I’m able. No thanks required. I’ll add, I don’t PVP. Ever. If they do they do and it’s not a limit for me if they do.
While different, this is quite awesome! I played on a PvP server for a decade and would frequently scold those who would run on by as I was fighting someone, and would join in any fight I came across to help out. I mean, what else is the point of being on a PvP server right?
I dismount and help pvp in AV. And I slam cleanse when that annoying frostmage goes ham with the novas.
So cool! I appreciate the effort on your part to make a positive difference. It really does create a chain reaction among some (similar to paying the person’s bill behind you in a drive-thu) and creates more camaraderie. I also agree that I could care less if the person “deserves it” or has a main with 20k gold, or whatever. Help can go out to all!
When I see someone else questing I ask them if they want (mage) some food/water.
Don’t forget Detect Invisibility as well
. I’ll be honest, I often withhold those buffs, depending on the zone, thinking they won’t use them in time of the duration. I need to be better at it regardless.
I like to give out a nice darn portal right before AV gates open.
I even say help click right before I finish the cast.
Dude when you hook a level 1 Warru
When you port people after a raid so you put two portals on top of each other? Nothing funnier than seeing half the raid lose the Dalaran/Stonard roulette.
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How well does this work? Chat simply scrolls “So-and-so has left the battle”. It’s like the old school custom emote about “You’ve been reported afk…”
My current record is seven people
Pretty much the opposite of why I started the topic, but my old TBC self is amused and impressed 
I’m shocked I haven’t been suspended yet tbh
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Usually send new players to western plaguelands when they looking for trainer or certain vendor when I’m in undercity
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The good ones do. That’s how we separate the wheat from the chaff.
You guys are killing me here
“Awesome, thanks! Heading there now” 
I always link any item I dont use in chat and ask if anyone wants one.
If i have my JC high enough and its a belt ring etc i usually give an add extra socket useable and a gem I can make they want. I usually deny tips if i do a order off trade. The game for me is fun because of how many people play and how many I can help have as much fun as I do. Its a very alive and fun game. 20 years going strong.