With so much negativity going around

I usually do on any of my 'locks who have it but some part of me is concerned it might be interpreted as ‘go soak your head’…just how my strange sense of humor works I guess…

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On Hardcore, I’d log onto my 60 and loop the red zones in Elwynn. Everyone would get a Rejuv/Mark/Thorns. I’d also tank Hogger for the low levels.

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I haven’t tried Hardcore but I bet people love this! How many have been saved from the brink of death? Lol

Calls people :smiley_cat: but thinks its manly to gank lowbies at 60. The only coward here is you lmao. Theres something terribly wrong with people like you that take pleasure in griefing low level players just “because you can”.

Also calls cc cringe LOL. The projection here is astounding but i doubt a guy like you even knows what that means.

Considering all this and that you claim youre giving away 150g for nothing while being 60 on week 2 shows youre either full of BS, or you swipe and should be investigated for gold buying.

Once a week my buddies and I Queue up for low keys and plow through them like all night and give any items we get to the host

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When people look like they pulled too much I help them fight and then bandage them afterwards. I even got highest amount of healing in a battleground once using bandages.


In SOD I’ve been giving away random greens to anyone I see that can use them . It’s actually my favorite thing .

Greens drop ALOT and while leveling I just hold onto them - I’ll inspect someone’s character as we are running or passing and just give it to them .

You have a lot of white gear for a while - I see people in their 20s with still white gear in slots so if i have an upgrade for them in my bag i just give it to them .

It’s just fun to help .

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In open world and depending on what toon I’m on and if I have the mana, everyone gets buffs, warriors get healed to full, and your mobs get whatever instant casts I have.

If I beat you to a mining node by just a second or two, I’ll only hit it once. We probably both need skill ups.

I enjoy professions and have all profs maxed. Anyone asking for things to be made with their mats I assume is low on funds, so I’ll chat with them while making it and if they seem genuinely nice I’ll throw in something else crafted for free like some bigger bags.

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If I’m in a zone and I see
Anyone help me with X Elite
I love hopping up to help