With near universal approval can we get a response about dual spec please

True fans of anything always want to see what they like improved. Do you think true sports fans want to see their teams fail and fail again without ever improving?

TBC Classic can be improved greatly with changes like Dual Spec.

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This guy gets it. I would like to see people in all types of content. You should not be punished for simply wanting to play the game. The core gameplay should not be touched. All other QoL changes should be in the game.

Balance Druids trivialize content? Then why doesn’t everyone roll a Balance Druid?

Because…not everyone…likes to play Balance?

Based on that, not everyone needs to purchase a dual spec either if they didn’t like it. Good thinking!

Faulty comparison. Try again.

It was based on your idea, though.

Yea and you improperly used that idea.

Ignoring dual spec, a feature that universally benefits everyone, is not the same as ignoring a single spec that not many people play on a class not everyone plays.

It’s not that balance druids trivialize content, it’s that being able to optimize your raid at the drop of a hat for buffs, debuffs, exc trivialize content.

Let’s say you go from a 2 tank fight to a 1 tank fight, the druid tank now switches spec to boomkin and your raid sees a 5% overall buff to dps because of it instead of him dpsing in cat form. Not only does this remove a melee from melee mechanics issues, it adds a very noticeable increase to dps from a few factors.

  1. The buff is better for dps because it effects casters who don’t have as harmful mechanics to worry about in general in terms of what will interrupt their dps, compared to melee, this includes the druid himself, but also the casters he gets put in group with.
  2. It adds the boomkin debuff to the list if it wasn’t already there that gives hit chance to everyone.
  3. It reduces strain on healers from boomkim being able to spot heal if needed as well and being more efficient at it than a resto would and the boomkin now not being effected by melee mechanics can reduce damage as well
  4. It gives a lot more benefit than a Feral would to physical damage only group.

I think it was a wonderful use of the idea!

I’m confused about you’re trying to say next here, except for that part where I totally agree with you that it is a feature that universally benefits everyone! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Oh, my guild does this already. We sometimes send people back to town to respec and then summon them back.

Do you mean we shouldn’t be allowed to do this? I didn’t realize optimizing the way you do things was bad. :woman_shrugging:

What he means is that reality isn’t inline with the narrative he’s trying to sell so he ignores it.

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What is he?

Some kind of dog person? When did werewolves become characters?

No you don’t.

Me personally or my guild?

If you mean me personally then no, this character doesn’t do that. My guildies, however, respec often in such situations. I’m sure that when I start raiding I’ll be doing respecs right along with them.

Your guild does not send people to and from town mid-raid to respec. Your guild does not do this.

Wanting dual spec is a reasonable thing. It makes complete sense why people want it. There’s really no reason to make things up in an effort to support it, there’s plenty of valid reasoning available (however hopeless the circumstance in which it will be added is) for you to use.

This is news to me. I better go tell my guild that they’re not doing what they’re doing. And perhaps you expect me to sound like a perfectly reasonable human being when I inform them of this?

“Oh, I guess when I went back to town and paid 50g to respec, I was just imagining it.”

Is that what you think is going on?

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Well when you’re talking to them maybe you can ask them how they make it so their logs don’t show anybody changing their specs between boss fights even though they are apparently doing that.

Also, even aside from the fact you’re full of it, why on earth would this even be necessary in this phase? What boss would this even be necessary for? Your guild is not a top guild (not even remotely close), so clearly world rank parses are not on the menu…so, elaborate for me.


They don’t even use logs. I don’t even remember telling you what the name of the guild was so good luck with whatever information you think you have.

You’re pretty rude, by the way.

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Ah, convenient of you to hide your guild’s true identity in a discussion like this, isn’t it.

If your guild doesn’t use logs, they certainly have no need to be min-maxing at the level of sending people back and forth mid Karazhan to do bosses.

Rude? lol

Calling out bluffs is not being rude.