With near universal approval can we get a response about dual spec please

Ah okay! Not surprising. Jeff Kaplan - lead designer of TBC - came from EQ.

pretty sure they werent added until cataclysm.

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Actually, all profession trainers are present in Outlands - but not necessarily in Shattrath. So, that too is a design decision.

It makes sense too as there was a new profession added and new profession levels and recipes. But that isn’t really comparable to class respeccing and training.

And it should be noted this isn’t actually respeccing, it would be more akin to switching professions in WoW.

Kinda irrelevant. It’s still paying in-game currency to “re-do” a thing you built or worked on, it’s all the same idea.

If you want something barely younger than that and more based on resetting permanent stat choices, there’s the “Reset Material” in Phantasy Star Online. In PSO your stats were permanently raised by using specific named items of particular stats, but you were limited to a total of 150 materials used, which meant you could balance your stats within those 150 materials. It was basically like adding stats when you level, except they were actual items you had to find as drops (the Power Material, Defense Material, etc).

Using a Reset Material would basically reset your material usage allowing you to rebalance your distribution, but of course you had to find all the materials again from scratch, 150 of the right ones for the build you wanted. Not uncommon to have a bank full of Evasion Materials when you’re trying to cap your Power.

The Reset Material could only be obtained by trading x5 Photon Drops to an NPC, which made it pretty expensive to do, and that’s not even counting the fact you gotta find all 150 materials you want all over again which could take weeks…(but not too bad for people who played regularly, kind of like respeccing here.).

PSO released in 2000.

Yes, the fake hardcore classic players are here. WE know you need time>skill, its why you guys fight so hard against these QoL changes most people want.

actually yes it is respeccing.


ie based on interviews with 4 of my closest acquaintances, everyone wants dual spec.


It’s been added back in a sort of token gesture. They do it by way of pathfinder, which is an obvious time-gate. Flight is made available after everyone has completed the content and is basically at the raid-log stage. It’s one of the two reasons I dropped both my subs at the end of WoD and hadn’t returned until classic.

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This is why every lawyer everywhere advises clients not to say anything, even if it’s the truth. Saying things is just a bad idea, generally.

Not to put too fine a point on it, but there isn’t a respec situation. The game, right now, is exactly as intended.


It’s actually more relevant that EQ didn’t have talent trees, so respecialization isn’t really analogous to respeccing. A better analogy in WoW would be if you could only have 1 weapon skill past 50 and if you wanted to switch you had to reset and then reup another one. And that would even be significantly more impactful than specializations in EQ.

The communication expert a lawyer would approve.

Link. From Zelda

Yyyyaaaaahhhh!!! Hhhuuuuaaa. Aaaawweee.

No information given but sound is made, lol.

Ghostcrawler regretted adding dual spec lmfao


Lol, yup. Those who ignore history are condemned to repeat it …


Greg Street
2 May 2013
I do worry sometimes that dual spec solved a problem (talent points were a pain to rebuy) that no longer exists.

Greg Street
(https://twitter.com/Ghostcrawler)2 May 2013
The intent of letting you remake choices was never supposed to be “I can swap to anything at a moment’s notice.”


Greg Street
2 May 2013
It was supposed to be “I made a decision that now I really regret and wish I could make over.”


I do remember reading the reasoning behind this, in blue text, was to prevent the complete obsolescence of azeroth capital cities. Definitely not digging for it, but it’s out there, I assure you.


He dismantles every argument he made about retaining “authenticity” and vies for an option that rewards and incentivizes gold-buying.


Fact of the matter is, as much as I was a fan of the original TBC, Classic TBC is simply different due to lower server populations. For the same reason same-faction BGs are a reality today to solve the lack of players of a certain type in battlegrounds, dual spec can solve the problem of the lack of much needed roles available for dungeons and raids.

the funny part is the same fanbois who claim, “iT dOeSnT bElOnG iN TBC” are the same ones who are all fo HvH BGs…funny how that wasnt in TBC but they cry for it :man_shrugging: