With GDKP banned in anniversary

Following the policy of SoD banning the sale of dungeon or raid items for gold are people selling the Blackstone ring in mara or the reed in UBRS or soon the DM tribute breaking the rules by violating the clearly established ban on selling dungeon or raid items?

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I’m sure it would be, especially if it is a dropped gear or item.

Please note though these policies are not decided on by CS or GM’s, rather the Classic Dev team. Please leave appropriate feedback in the classic forums.


So should i keep reporting people i see in game doing this? Im just wondering as its so rampant the other night i spent almost an hour reporting people for selling those items

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If you see others that you believe are violating policy, Moryna, I would encourage reporting it. I wouldn’t, however, spend too much time on it. The focus should definitely be on enjoying your playtime as best as you can so reporting a few here and there as you are able is great and very much appreciated. :slight_smile:


Wouldn’t the difference be you’re not bidding on it against others, more like buying a boe from the auction house? Set price for an item. And no, I’m not even playing anniversary to be buying or selling these runs.

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I belive it is a violation because the main reason they banned gdkp is because they dont promote community and playing the game with others and selling a bop in a dungeon does the same thing as doing gdkp because your gating content ment to be played with others behind a pay wall that some people cant do and if a lot of people can just buy the drop then they will just do that instead of forming a group and running the risk of someone else winning it,and having to run it again. Then that causes a problem where less people are running the dungeon so the people that cant pay have no one to run with and miss out.

Banning GDKP didnt stop players from needing something they dont need and having another player offer them gold for it.

I don’t think that was the intent of the policy change.


Its not about the intent. Its that it was stupid and solved nothing with bots. They all just moved to consumable mat farming and making it to where you have to buy gold to afford a flask if your raid group requires it.
Its still crazy that buying gold is against ToS only when blizzard isnt selling you the gold. It breaks ToS if you pay a broke guy in a developing country money for gold, but its ok as long as you buy the gold from our multi-million dollar company. Its just greed. It ruins the player economy either way.

Bots are a never ending battle. This is not something Blizzard can’t easily solve over night. If you encounter someone who you suspect to be botting, then report that person, and let Blizzard investigate and determined if they are bots and take any appropriate action if necessary. But keep in mind, there is a lot more going on within the background that you and I will never see.


“Broke guys in developing countries” aren’t selling gold. Gold sellers are a multi billion dollar criminal enterprise that also deals in illegal drugs, credit card fraud, money laundering, and terrorist financing.

And unless you are in a world first raiding guild (which are a very specific thing), if your guild is dictating how you play and telling you what to do, I’d say it’s time for a new guild.


I hear you. Blizzard might seem pretty disingenuous when you phrase it that way. But the poor saps who are sitting in the sweat rooms farming and botting are barely making anything. It doesn’t matter if they’re doing it in WoW or another video game or just trying to scam old people out of their life savings. They’re all scumbags to be sure, but it’s really only the one’s at the top who are making the big money.

That said, the idea behind Blizzard’s $$$ for Gold is that it doesn’t blow up the economy. The gold bought through the Blizzard Token is generated by gameplay and is simply transferred from one player to another with Blizzard as the middleman. Yes, Blizzard takes a 25% cut, which is a little gougey, but it’s still effectively a transfer from player to player. It’s not new magically generated gold.


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