but you dont play FF
Sure why not as anyone can play FF.
I can multi task. Plus, CoX put out a new update and it is fire.
Quote For Truth!
but how does WoW get to that?
Putting out updates? How about just do it.
BlizZard is paralyzed by over analyzing. Just do it BlizZard. It is first patch not perfection.
what truth?
what updates you want to see
Patch 9.1 come out yo before gas prices rise.
Probably the thing I quoted.
what do you want to see in WoW tho?
show me then how this is true
WoW return to true MMORPG roots!
like how? you arnt explaining it at all
This is something that I have to explain? It’s not flatout obvious at this point?
no its not if its so ez then explain it
Sure easy.
Step 1: Delete rental shenanigans and borrowed power fluff.
Step 2: Finish depruning.
Step 3: Fix scaling in old content
Step 4: Fix PVE gearing.
Step 5: Don’t punish players playing alts or off specs
Step 6: Profit.
Your education for the day has concluded. You have been educated by Mafic! Cheers!
My dude. If I was going to explain this to you I’d have to type up a paper in MLA format. If you actually believe that the WoW Devs are loved by the playerbase, I can’t help you.
Let me state that WoW as a MMORPG can be fixed easily.
Very easy with proper management.
borrowed power is like 10% for you class
depruning what
old content gets rekt over time
gearing on what content?
alts? or you trying to have many mains?
profit they all rdy do
then name 10 things only