I agree. Farseer shaman is still very focused on elemental magic. Voodoo has manipulation of natural forces but it’s not very focused on elementals. Its Spirit, and Shadow based. Also it involves animistic practices. I love your idea!
If only they didn’t spend season after season nerfing all of our builds and then years later wonder why no one plays it competitively leading them to the baseless conclusion “it probably wasn’t fun to play mechanics wise so let’s scrap the idea for the next game”
No shamans connect with elementals. Elementals are not the same
How is shadow voodoo and spirits like elemental magic?
But… trolls, in WoW, are not animistic. They worship certain specific powerful beings (Wild Gods, ascended trolls, a few others - even Elune is worshipped as a loa), but those aren’t the spirits of otherwise inanimate objects. And some trolls revere their ancestors.
The closest thing to animism in WoW is either Pandaren spirit worship, or shaman elemental worship (which aren’t too far apart, considering many spirits manifest themselves in elemental form).
Shamans also connect with the spirits.
Shamans are all about elemental and spirit magic. It is literally their lore to the point we summon out ancestors in one of the specs.
There is literally a quest where a troll Witch Doctor awaken the spirits in ingredients. Thats animistic by definition. The belief that all things have spirits. Animism is the belief that objects, places, and creatures all possess a distinct spiritual essence. Trolls in wow do believe that. They also worship Wild Gods as Loa.
Only a few abilities. Not enough to qualify as a Witch Doctor. Shamanism and Voodoo in wow are not the same.
Tell them trolls that. They consider the elements also as Loa.
This is a quote from Wowpedia “Some scholars view voodoo as a type of animism, and to an extent that theory is true. The trolls’ religion of voodoo takes a decidedly different bent than the shamanistic beliefs of the orcs and tauren, though.” Animism is a part of troll culture and many other wow races.
If its not going to ever be a class there is not a reason for you to be worried. People should be allowed to dream about what classes they want without hostility. I don’t go the Tinker threads and trash that idea even though I am not very fond of it. Let’s have positive conversation about this if we say anything.
Tinkers are a cool idea also but I agree if people don’t like the concept they don’t need to complain. I think blizz will need to release multiple classes to keep people happy after the feature in Midnight being housing. Perhaps they can do more than one class in the last Titan. Witch Doctor, Necromancer, and Tinker. We pay them enough with a monthly subscription and buying a new expansion.
During war Zandalari Witch Doctors summon plagues of Frogs that carried an illness with them that would quickly devastate their ranks and force them to retreat or surrender. Think of unleashing illness on the battlefield via frogs…Conjuring loa avatars to help in battle along with Zombies. Hexing enemies and shrinking foes! Using Swarms of bats and locusts to attack. Acid and posion attacks and other dark forces of nature. Perhaps a dance animation for the Big Bad Voodoo Spell from Warcraft 3. That needs to be a part of it.
Except Engineer isn’t a Class reliant on tech, rather it’s just a Profession that makes buffs and guns.
I feel like the races for Witch Doctor could be:
Trolls (all types), Goblins (enslaved under trolls so they learned it), Vulpera, and Undead/Forsaken.
For Alliance- Worgen, Dark Iron Dwarves, Humans, and Kul’Tirans.
Basically, I’d limit it to the ‘creepy’ races lol, also the ones that have a primitive history.
Horde might have an edge on that, as the class is close to Shamanism.
For me it would be all Trolls, Orcs and maybe goblins. Orcs and trolls can both be witch doctors in the lore. If we ever get Ogres they could also.
As for Alliance Worgen, Humans, and Kul’Tirans. I dont know of any Dwarves that use Voodoo.
Dwarves seem better for a Rune themed class. Some Dwarves are shamans but they tend to focus on storm magic The Wildhammer have storm riders.
I agree with Trolls for sure but maybe Orcs and goblins.
I think Kul’Tirans could work on the Alliance with the witchcraft and drust magic. Also in stranglethorn vale there are human Witch doctors. Not sure about Dwarves.
If you got more Ideas for the class concept I would love to hear them!
I think Witch Doctor would be a spec for Priests if it were ever added to WoW.
One of these:
Reference for my reasoning: https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Voodoo