I pretty much echo your points, except its not just balance. there is a real cognitive cap on how many skills, talents and effects a standard individual can actually remember.
Extra classes increase the doctoral requirements for knowing what the hell is going on.
That’s a fair point until you consider the limitations of machinery in a world of gods and magic. The only way tinker would even remotely work is if they time skipped us to a more advanced technological age. I mean neither goblins nor gnomes can even create technology that doesn’t explode or fail constantly. I could create more stable machinery then that and I’m a chemist not an engineer.
Even if we ignore that point all together, lore wise it just doesn’t work. Even mortal races destroy machinery created by titans. It just doesn’t hold enough water lore wise.
Lastly, a profession as class itself just doesn’t hold enough value within itself.
Warriors are genetic freaks that can fight demons and gods.
Shamans command supernatural spirits in a symbiotic relationship.
Warlocks bend shadow and chaos magics to their will, while enslaving demonic beings from another plane of existence.
Priests use a supernatural force to heal wounds and attack foes.
Hunters are super human beings with the ability to command the forces of wild companions and are quite literally weak Deadpools in the original sense that was Wade Wilson.
Paladins are just people who are extremely physically able through training that also command a super natural force.
The list continues, it just makes zero sense to make tinker a class. There is no real ability outside machinery which quite frankly in this world flat out doesn’t work very well.
Shredders do break down though, quite frequently actually. The only reason the Mech in BoD lasted that long is because of game mechanics.
If a warrior can generate enough force to shatter the ground when they leap and not hurt their bodies, they would destroy that mech in a few minutes solo.
You’re thinking in terms of gameplay not of how it fits into their world.
Like I understand your point I truly do, but at the same time it’s not holding enough water to warrant it. If they did a time skip like I said and we advance a thousand years worth of technology then yes. It certainly could work, however currently it won’t. Not even remotely.
Exactly - so whatever the ‘lore’ or gameplay needs it to do. They could just as easily make it an ability like avatar where you hop in a mech suit for x period of seconds.
I think your leaning too far into ‘lore’ and not what they would actually do for gameplay. If you ‘mortal strike’ somebody, that person is going to die. If you execute someone you literally kill them. Clearly that doesn’t make sense from a gameplay standpoint.
Because “world quests” “emissaries” “loot falling from sky” “ripped abilities FROM diablo 3” and a new feature coming in shadowlands that is literally diablo 3 rifts in the form of Torghast is clearly NOT “too diablo 3” lol
I remember playing a Necromancer back in EQ 1 and man did I love the feel for the class. Not sure how it would fit into WoW but I wouldn’t mind seeing something similar added. I just think it might step on the toes of to many classes as it borrows abilities from across several.
You’re confusing where I stand. It has to make sense lore wise to exist in some capacity.
If you execute someone you literally kill them.
Yes, which is why the skill for gameplay reasons exists below a health % threshold. For gameplay reasons you don’t hit someone once and it dies. You are confusing two points as one. They are two variables, they are parameters that must be met to exist in a gameplay fashion.
For example, people are upset Anduin got kidnapped by goth angels. The simple truth of the matter that if this was some variation of reality it would be easy to kidnap people that way. However, in gameplay it doesn’t make sense since Anduin is a boss level mob.
You can not ignore lore, they have to exist in some capacity while still allowing gameplay to function.
Exactly - so whatever the ‘lore’ or gameplay needs it to do. They could just as easily make it an ability like avatar where you hop in a mech suit for x period of seconds.
This only reinforces my point about reskinning abilities. This is quite literally just metamorphosis. This waters down gameplay, makes it difficult to balance.
It disrupts gameplay and ignores lore.
My mount never has.
This is a good example of gameplay only mechanics. It exists for the player, not for the world it exists in. Again you are conflagrating two different and mutual existing variables.
Which is exactly why they need to not do it again. If they redesign unholy death knights to caster necromancers that’s pretty fine. However, you would have to gut two spec’s to make it an individual class with enough spec’s and abilites to function.
This opens the door to literally gut every class to create variations that could be accomplished in more realistic fashions. It is eventually asking for everything to devolve into a moba or subpar diablo game more then it already is.
Which are probably the Troll names for “Decay” and “Spirit”, “Decay” being the Element that Dark Shamans use to subjugate the other Elements, while “Spirit” being the Element that Regular Shamans use to bring harmony to the other elements.