Wishlist from an Unusual Player

You’re free to not participate in mythic, and act like it’s not there. It’s not mandatory unless you’re doing CE raid prog.

If you’re so unusual, where’s the profit in catering to you?


That would not appeal to the majority of the playerbase.

Why is less things to do better than more things to do?

This line of thinking is very odd. Are you the type of person in real life who doesn’t want anyone to have anything they are unable to do themselves. For example - you can’t work from home so therefore, nobody should be allowed to work from home?

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Well, if the OP is too long for you, I’m happy to provide a tl;dr

They have a fundamental disagreement with the core design of instanced content and want it gone.

Highly likely they’re trolling, but in the small chance they’re not, it’s a cooked take and a complete waste of your time. All the best

If I wanted them to cater to me, I wouldn’t bother playing at all. I just posted for other people who may play in a unique so they would feel welcome to share differing opinions about things they would find fun in game even if they never happen. Is it so wrong for there to be a place for people who hate the effects of mythics on the game to have a place to say it without everyone getting defensive over it? There were other changes I mentioned too but every comment so far has been defending mythics. Blizzard isn’t going to get rid of mythics just because some little player said they don’t like it so don’t worry about it.

has it though?

the responses are more along the lines of why are you wanting to remove things from the game in general that you dont like. not just mythics.

Who said anything about mythics?

You’re right. Sorry. I just assumed you were of a like mind.

…Actually it’s pretty short.

Sure. I wouldn’t be against it.

I think the point of Follower dungeons is to learn how the dungeons work or complete them for quests, while leaving the non-follower ones are for progression pretty much.

Though tbh, it could use a bit of “Recommendated path to take” to lower confusion. Not remove, recommend.

And yes, i do agree we should also use our own alts too.

And that’s what Mythic became: Heroic pretty much in terms of spirit. The method may be different, but the eidos is the same if you will.

So no, i don’t think we should remove difficulties like this.

Maybe, normalizing the 2 difficulties between Normal and Heroic and just calling it Normal since Heroic and Normal are kind of the same here in how their viewed, and rename Mythic 0 to Heroic. Maybe. :point_up: It’s a bit of a mess.


I rather we don’t go back to the days where there’s very little quests and too much mob grinding. As much i like Wrath, that’s a problem i wish not to have back in Retail anytime soon.

If we are going to slow leveling down, it should be done with adding more leveling content to soften the blow, to make people want to enjoy themselves while leveling. Forcing slow pacing for no real reason is anything but enjoyable.

That does sound fine, but honestly, i think the better solution imo is to have some expansion unifed currency that drops from any raid/dungeon, and allows you to buy stuff of a vendor from the raid/dungeon that is nearby the raid/dungeon. Like Wrath Valor points for that invisible mount.

Also, there should be an option in the menu to skip RP. Not a buff.

100% :point_up:

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Agree 100%. When leveling my mage in Wotlk in Chromie time I was annoyed that I couldn’t get any other players to help with group quests since no one was around/on the same part so I had to wait until after leveling to go back and complete those stories. Having followers for that type of situation would be nice especially for newcomers.

Yes, that’s more what I was thinking of. I never understood the weekly lockout for mythic so making it the new heroic with a daily lockout only works in favor of those who like mythics. Make it have a baseline difficulty that players can choose to make harder by selecting random affixes and other things to make it challenging/fun.

Good point. I didn’t play in Wrath but I did hear mob grinding sucked royally. I don’t think reducing the XP to slow down leveling would be too much of a problem though since you could probably cut the XP in half right now and still have quests and zones leftover when you hit 60.

I could see some people liking that idea. I would suggest that the currency be a bit hard to get though since there are many players who worked hard during each expansion to earn those things and if it was too easy it would be an insult to their hard work. I am, however, all for someone who just has abysmal RNG finally getting the mount they work for via the currency.

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My hope is that they will do that with warbands.

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Dude if you want more open world pve content to be the focus just go to guild wars 2, there’s no reason to suggest to remove mythic+ from the game when it’s entirely optional to do the content. In fact people who share your sentiment think theyre in the majority when theyre not.

Again Guild wars 2 literally ONLY relies on players rewarded with mogs and only from open world content. That is the focus of their game. And if you want to see how boring or fun that kind of gameplay is, gw2 is a buy to play game.

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Heroics were hardly that difficult back then, more difficult than normal, sure, but not M+ difficult.

You are asking for M+ to be replaced with the same exact system while cutting down one difficulty in between, which serves uh… no one

And you lost me. Anytime anyone suggests removing an aspect to improve their own game is simply selfish.

It doesn’t matter that you can’t understand it, it matters a lot to those of us that have been enjoying a different end game with some challenge.

Raiding with a team is a time suck, and required if you want to avoid pug nightmares and progress further than LFR.

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What activities do you find fun which you think wouldn’t be fun for others?

Thanks for the warning.

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I really like Gw2 but I agree with you. It is designed around open world, generally scalable content and it doesn’t do team-focused content (small or large) as well as WoW.

I love gW2 combat and gameplay feels fluid, but I inevitably miss the trinity and more defined roles - all the stacking of buffs like protection, stab, alac, quickness, etc. does have some novel gameplay, and I’m sure it really hits the spot for folks that enjoy that support play style, but I don’t think it’s for me.

To even be relevant in the game you dont even have to raid. You literally get legendaries from completing the entire maps from start to finish.

I have almost 4000 hours in that game and the most fun i had was in PvP because open world farming has to be unrewarding in order for the economy to not crash. Eventually i finally found out how to get rich, made 18000g in open world content because it was the only fun thing left to do and just uninstalled. Literally no skill or challenge involved in getting anything in that kind of gameplay it’s braindead but for some reason people love that.

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I raided…once? I wanted to open up the mastery trait line (ocd…) but the PUG was unsuccessful. The mechanics were similar to wows, which made it feel “like home,” but the open world has so many telegraphed abilities that I don’t know if I’m that translates to raid. Maybe? I do forget it (was 1.5+ years ago)