Wishlist from an Unusual Player

WARNING: LONG. If you can’t handle reading more than just a couple sentences, this isn’t the topic for you.

I’m a very unusual player of WoW from what I can tell and just to bring some perspective on what non-typical players may enjoy seeing in the future, I thought I’d post some changes I’d like to see and kudos for things I liked.

Just a bit of background, I’ve been playing WoW off and on since Vanilla. I was a more typical player back then doing dungeons, gearing up, and wanting to get to end game to challenge all the big baddies. Now, I am very much playing WoW like a single player game because it’s honestly too much info to relearn each time I return and too much to grind to get anywhere. I also have no desire to play any of the variations that have come out unless it directly affects my current goals in Retail (aka I will play Remix because I can earn mounts I couldn’t easily get before while SoD doesn’t appeal to me at all).

With that said, here are my biggest wishes for the future for WoW:

  • Stop tying Profession leveling to quests, reputation, or other gates. Leveling should be easy while getting rare patterns and other cool stuff should happen after max level to keep us interested just like back in Vanilla. DF Professions are the worst of any expansion.

  • Follower dungeons are great for completionists like me so please make it so all dungeons can be run with them but do allow players to build the party to what they like best and make it also like Followers in Legion where levelers can use them for party quests during Chromie Time. It would be even more fun if it used copies of alts with warbands and all but I know that is probably a programming nightmare.

  • Eliminate Mythic altogether. I frankly do not get why anyone loves running the same dungeons with minute changes hundreds of times but keeping players inside instanced zones makes the world more empty and is the antithesis of what an MMO should be. Having played in BC, I am all for a more challenging version for max level players with better loot but that is what Heroic was for.

  • Fix the XP gain to quest ratio in leveling zones. Either get rid of a ton of quests and condense the storyline of zones so players can complete all the zones in an expansion before reaching the newest expansion or reduce the XP gain and slow down leveling. Right now just one zone gets you typically to 30 or more and that’s without doing any dungeons. Imagine being a new player and just starting to get attached to a place only to outlevel it and not finish the story you’re invested in.

  • For other collectors out there, your time and effort should be rewarded and so I suggest a treasure buff for old content if you have run it a certain amount of times. Running ICC with 10 characters every week off and on for 10+ years with no stupid mount drop deserves some recognition. The buff should also mute NPC dialog and allow players to just do the fight.

  • Lastly, stop with the endless dialog where my character is just standing around looking pretty. Cinematics are fine if they have a point but don’t bother with 15 second clips. If the NPCs are talking about something my character is actually included in, keep it concise because there’s nothing more annoying then waiting for the NPCs to finish talking before getting the next quest especially after you’ve heard it all before. It kills replay ability. Let players pick up the next quest and leave in the middle of the conversation if they want.

Those are the biggest wishes I have for the future. Thanks to anyone who took the time to read my long post and please share your thoughts.


I couldn’t handle it!


If you’re essentially just a solo player, why do you care about whether m+ exists? You wouldn’t do m+ if you’re solo, so it has no impact on you. This whole post seems like a troll.


Thanks for the reply though!

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Yep, I am weird so I definitely come across very troll-like. Still, the post is just to build awareness of how some opinions differ from the norm. Mythic is not going anywhere since it keeps people playing.

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There are dozens of posts complaining about m+ - you aren’t unique and not even a good troll. Stop hiding your character if you aren’t a troll.

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Of course he isn’t a troll, he’s a night elf.


Hey, NE used to be trolls you know!


you do not do this content, but you want to remove it for the people who do and enjoy it?

i dont do it either but i also understand that a lot of people do and they enjoy it. i am against taking things away from people, and for giving more things for people to do.

you are sounding just like the people who constantly want to remove things like lfr or queuing for dungeons or any sort of casual content, except in reverse.

not agreeing with this. at all.


I’ve seen longer.


thats what she said.



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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

sorry couldnt resist


I’m against anything that keeps people in instances instead of out in the world. I don’t care for battlegrounds either for the same reason but I know world PVP has been terrible for ages now.

then its good you arent running the game then.

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Yup. Agree 100%. Would never want to run an MMO. Can’t please everyone at all.

Ok… So you have some points about some things but lemme stop you right there;

You can stick to doing heroic dungeons all you want, asking for everyone else to only have easy as hell heroics to do is ridiculous

You aren’t weird at all.

The “I want everything about me” player is quite common. The “if I don’t enjoy it, then it should be deleted” is a very common mentality.

Thankfully, Blizz would not listen to this wishlist as it would cause WoW to shutdown. As it would drive away most players.

You also don’t appear to be a completionist.


I am actually suggesting a content squish where they reduce the different modes by making Heroics harder again (or more fit for end game since right now they are just slightly less easy than normal mode). Imagine heroics with affixes, daily lockouts, and no stupid keys to get toxic about. Instead of an incessant climb up pluses, you get one murderously hard instance you can challenge once a day for awesome loot.

Then again, I doubt this appeals to anyone who has been replying this far.