Wishlist for Hunters



I mean you’re shouting KILL THAT MODASUCKAH

Then get silenced halfway thru makes sense to me

I think its because those are more band-aids for larger design flaws as a whole. One big thing in that being they’re a squishy destro like cuz they cant kite anymore. So I think being able to cast while moving alone would go along way to fixing MM hunter.

Give Pets a personality and bring back their talent trees like the old days and get rid of making them a walking auto attack bot.


Especially for BM!

Tas has some of my fav suggestions for MM hunter in BFA. I feel like we need frost trap back with the entrapment proc Or give tar trap a bigger radius & we need the binding shot stun back since every melee is a speed demon facerolling train wreck now :man_shrugging:t5:. Also, precise shots need to be deleted or reworked cause man it is so stupid.