Winterspring: Alliance or Horde?

It’s setting up cultures for success.

It’s all too easy to pit everyone against each other.

This is just statecraft in regards to cultural consolidation.

Nothing more.

You can take it.

But we keep ashenvale.

Okay? The Horde can rebuild the school and create a memorial. At least the guy responsible for it got killed by Garrosh in that one quest he wasn’t a total jerk. On the quest Horde side you try to stop the bombing but ultimately fail.

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That is most certainly not the case. The Wintersaber Trainers faction and quests have always been Alliance only, and the mount more so.


IIRC you couldn’t even learn the mount, in spite of earning the reputation to buy it off the vendor, without the Nightsaber Riding skill. Which you had to be exalted with Darnasus to learn.

Ah, classic. What a time.

I also have the mount and I definitely can’t call it up on my horde characters. For ages the only cat Horde had access too was the orange ZG tiger.


That’s the one where you have to collect whiskers every day, right? I could swear I remember doing that back in the day. And stealing meat and making the toys for the cub. But it was a long time ago, so maybe my memory’s playing tricks on me. I did start some Alliance characters back in the day and later deleted them, so maybe I did it on one of those. I’ll take your word for it.

The whiskers was an update that came with Cataclysm, and even that was Alliance only still. It was a far lengthier grind from Classic to Wrath.

I just checked my feats of strength and the saber only shows up on an Alliance character. The completion date is 2012, which is before that character was created. It’s not the same date as when I got the Venomhide Ravasaur, which was in 2010. So I guess I must have done it on an Alliance character somewhere, but I didn’t think I’d ever gotten one to high enough level to even go to Winterspring. I wonder who it was…

Mysterious Alliance alts haunting you from the past.


I’m pretty sure the saber was indeed Alliance-only because the whole reason they added the ravasaur in Un’Goro was to balance the number of mounts between factions.

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If it has to go to anyone, it would go to Alliance. There’s a small Night elf village there and the Goblins are Steamwheedle.


It could be redrawn as a place for the Frostwolf Clan to live in If Alterac goes to the Stormpike. Winterspring.

It’s a large area for pure water and proximal to furbolg ancestral lands, which I would like to join the Alliance after they go through a body-scale change. Arm to body ratio is a bit silly and they run funny.

The Steamwheedle could get bought out into the Bilgewater.

I can see a huge goblin city with Frostwolf protection and support to make a Depot for a northernmost train system in that area to deliver supplies to Orgrimmar to begin terraformation of Durotar and the barrens.

Belong to the night elves .

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I was saying it could be a trade:

Frostwolf/Bilgewater under Gazlowe/Go’el for Winterspring. Huge train depot and rail system through the mountains

Stormpike/Gnomes under Mekkatorque and Vanndar for Alterac Valley and the mountains. Another hub for an extension of the gnomish tram system for rapid deployment and supply chain.

Can I honestly ask, what’s the obession with wanting to take away Night Elf zones and giving them to the Horde? Even as a hypothetical? I don’t even like the Kaldorei but even I find it strange.

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Cultural consolidation and regrouping.

Trying to reunify the Eastern Kingdoms while helping the Horde not be highwaymen or deforestation-centred monster nation.

A track system would go a long way for them to supply their capitol after or IF they lose Azshara.

An extended tram system would go a long way for rapid deployment and supplies to the Stormpike. Just thinking on the future.

Future of Hearthstone maybe. I do not believe any such things are likely in the future of WoW.

You might be surprised. Perhaps pleasently so.

If all the orks made it to the Kalimdor.

And all the dwarves and humans repatriated to the Eastern Kingdoms and get back to fixing up the Alliance to pre-Tides of Vengeance structuring.

… No it doesn’t?


You save some in the Alliance quests. Not enough though. :frowning:

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