
Yeah it definitely seems to be a balance issue. Once one team reaches a “critical mass” of vehicles (say, 12+ vehicles) they can just run over/steamroll the other team :roll_eyes:

If you are facing 12+ vehicles you just get melted by all the random “splash damage” they constantly rain down on you and your team can’t really fight back. Yeah, there’s the RPGs… but those have a cast time and are interrupted by damage (which is pretty much constant with all the “splash damage” of this bg).

This vehicles problem is much less severe in Isle of Conquest because at any given time there’s only like 4-5 vehicles your team has to deal with. But in Wintergrasp you can literally be facing a giant “death ball” of 14+ demos and siege engines :grimacing:

I would say Isle of Conquest is “properly balanced” in terms of vehicles - the vehicles hit hard, but there’s not 14+ of them driving around. On the other hand in Wintergrasp there can literally be 12+ enemy vehicles on the map and ALL of them have both high damage + “splash damage” :grimacing:

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sorry, meant that to mean all the vehicles. The sieges are the weakest of the 3 but still can kill you

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As it should. Your team (should) have 12 vehicle slots, get in one yourself. Or grab a rocket launcher. I think it’s great how it is. Riding shotgun in the siege is pretty convenient too. Cast while moving!

Agree wholeheartedly. I’m actually liking IoC these days. Certainly a lot better than it used to be. I backfilled a WG where horde had every workshop and were just slaughtering while the 5 minutes left ticked down.

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Oh definitely, IOC is actually kinda relaxing after you get out of a Wintergrasp match hehe :sweat_smile:

Wintergrasp is much more stressful/chaotic

IOC is almost like a watered down version of WG and honestly I think most casuals prefer it to Wintergrasp :thinking: I’ve already seen my share of random casuals saying stuff like “oh this again, time to afk” or “ugh, why does this keep popping?” during the pre-game 2 minutes of a fresh Wintergrasp match

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sieges hp need a buff. getting destroyed by 1 person bad design.

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Anyone who thinks the Flame Breath damage from Catapults don’t need to be toned down heavily are the kind of people who think Legion World PvP was fun, and there for shouldn’t even be taken into consideration of their asinine opinion.

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Again, this is not PVP It’s who gets the most vehicles win. I cannot tell you how much I hate this BG I wish we could blacklist this.


This is the best battleground they brought back


And you earn more vehicles from wiping the enemy and taking their workshops.

Originally, WG had close to a 200 player cap whereas now it’s 80 horde/ally total.

Correct me if I’m wrong but the number of vehicles was the same as is now which off-balances the vehicle to player on foot ratio. This might account for some of the perceived imbalance between the two.

Not to mention the size of the map reflects its original 200 player cap which makes it even more daunting. I bet blizz will make some adjustments at some point.

I never played the original WG so I was anxious to play this, but like I said I think I hate this BG more than any other. To be honest, I don’t think there’s any changes they can make to make me like it.

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It really does come down to “whichever team has the most vehicles wins”, there isn’t much actual PvP involved on this map :thinking:

If team A has 6-8 somewhat-competent vehicle drivers they can easily steamroll 20 players.

I’m in the same boat, even though I played back during WoTLK I barely ever tried Wintergrasp back then, so I was kinda excited when I heard it was becoming a bg (curiosity more than anything).

But after playing my share of WG games it’s become clear that there is a heavy emphasis on PvE/vehicles and that the on-foot players have little influence on the outcome of a match.

It’s pretty much “whoever controls the most vehicles wins”

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I feel the same way I do not like vehicle Pve.

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multiple domination points to capture, different goals for offense and defense, and there is still a person in that vehicle trying to outplay you, but it’s pve? i disagree, just because the target HP bar doesn’t have a class color doesn’t mean its not a player trying to kill you.

and as i said before, if you want a focus on specific player vs player interactions, arena is the place to do that. if you want to focus on team play, the normal bgs are the place to do that. if you want to focus on map play, strategy, and battlefield combat tactics and warfare elements then that is what epic bgs are for.

It’s not PVE it’s vehicular PVP just like Twisted Metal or whatever. Those are other players you’re fighting and you yourself are one as well.

Agreed, this bg is crap.

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Exactly Twisted Metal not WOW.

Good thing there are other game modes for you to enjoy.