Wintergrasp NOT working today

When? Will there be a hotfix for Wintergrasp. Nobody can que for this BG.


Most likely a “later patch” like the holiday stuff and the HH mount.

please fix.

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Any word on when this will be fixed?

Still bugged. If there were a bug where token were unable to be purchased, this would have been fixed within the hour.


Seems like it was fixed earlier.

It has not been fixed. You still can’t queue for Wintergrasp.

Wintergrasp buff is up for Alliance (not for Horde though) on my realm, so someone won a battle from 12-12:30.

Sounds like it’s fixed.

The buff is there. People can do VOA now, but no one can queue for Wintergrasp.

Still unable to queue for Wintergrasp.

STILL broken.

I was able to queue and get into Wintergrasp.

Day Two, still broken. Cannot que for Wintergrasp. I am going to look for another game to play, as the tech support for this WOW Classic is poor. I mean, they do their weekly update on Tuesday, which results in taking down Wintergrasp, and nothing is done about it and no message from them that they have ever read our bug report.

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Wintergrasp still not working. Please fix. It’s your end of our contractual arrangement. I give money. You give game.


Hi folks,

We’re aware that Wintergrasp cannot be queued into at this time and we’re actively working to get it resolved.

We will update as soon as it’s fixed. Sorry about the inconvenience!

Thank you.

That’s cool but what about this weeks honor and marks I missed? The game is ending and I need those marks for my pvp gear. Now I’m a week behind because of YOU BLIZZARD. Are you gonna compensate us blizzard? No didn’t think so. Terrible trash company


Well? What’s the hangup Blizzard?

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You had all night. Why isn’t this fixed yet?

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It’s not fixed yet because the three people left working at Blizzard are busy fixing the nine thousand bugs in SOD.