Wintergrasp NOT working today

Actually this has been going on for 3 days and it has been posted on the forums. There is no excuse for this not to have been fixed already.

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bummer it took them so long to become ā€œawareā€ of the issue, weā€™ve missed how many WG cycles now due to this? If I didnā€™t make the 100,000 kills thing last week Iā€™d be upset as it was mostly why I did WG, now Iā€™m just playing less.

still broken as of the 3-3:30 window just now

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Still not working.

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It probably wonā€™t be fixed until maintenance. Or Cata like the HH mount. Who knows?

Still an issue as of this post (12am est 2/16).

Server time is also completely wack.

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Just revert whatever yall did to break it during the patch you added the teleport in for SFK, cause clearly the devs are either too incompetent to fix it or donā€™t actually care about WotLK at all. Your response is obviously a lie.

Hi all!

Thanks for being patient with us as we navigated through a difficult problem here. After realm restarts today happen for your respective regions, you will be able to queue for Wintergrasp again.