Wintergrasp is ridiculous

I don’t think I need to justify my statement. Everyone knows it is true. Lopsided victories for either faction. Usually the defender. Reinforcement counter at the top stays at 300 mocking us.

Just remove it. I watched chat all game (last one that was Wintergrasp) and it’s literally a joke, a meme. It might have been great as a server based battle , but not a battleground.


you’ve played 1 game and think you know everything?

a single game is not enough experience for your opinion to have merit.

While WG most of the times do tend to be lopsided sometimes you do get very good games.,. like the WG I played yesterday .

Horde was attacking . Ally went to BT instead of SR, then to ES and finally came to SR. Horde after going to SR split to go take BT and then came back to SR in full force to rout the Ally coming from ES. You would think Ally gave up at this point but they used the vehicles from ES to try and retake SR before turtling in the courtyard. We had to destroy walls on both sides and use a pincer attack to finally clear the turtle . Game took 30 minutes and was very enjoyable .

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no, even you should recognize that so few games gives you little to no expertise in them, and you should withhold judgement until you have seen a few games.

also, you are honor level 1, you can’t have done too many games.

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More often than not it can be a wash out, I’ve seen plenty of games get turned around.

They are right 2 games isn’t a lot to go off though.

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the melee should fear the ranged

I was excited to see WG as a bg and as a bg its a dam joke. I agree with OP as this is a meme from the devs on to the player base. Either change it to make it better or just get rid of it.

Changes would be nice, something that doesn’t make the game a deathball of tanks.

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my problem is that it’s somehow more laggy than it was in wotlk lol. otherwise it’s about what i figured it would be like.

50% of people are afk, the other half dont’ listen or have no clue how the bg works. Never change random bg queues.


Horde usually win Wintergrasp, I think it’s a 7/10 or 8/10 chance, doesn’t matter if we’re on Offense or Defense.

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Horde doesn’t have to explain the game dynamics and deal with, “well, we’re on offense so I’ll just pretend I’m AFK” people.

WG’s biggest problem is that for a newbie it’s counter intuitive- Offense has to protect three towers for as long as possible because it draws the defense out of their base and allows you to attack without dealing with a turtle. Defense has to attack so that it can then drain 15 minutes from the clock and enable themselves to turtle indefinitely. Meanwhile there isn’t much of a reason for offense to deal with the defense’s towers which doesn’t make much sense.

All things considered (bg balance, bg design, amount of PvP action, etc) I think Wintergrasp is the worst bg in the game by quite a large margin. The first teamfight at SR determines the winner about 80-90% of the time.

Lots of players complain about Seething Shore… but at least Seething Shore doesn’t last 40-45 minutes. WG is just a big waste of time other than the quick 7-9 minute offense wins that Horde pugs sometimes pull off. If you zone into an offense match on an Alliance character, it’s pretty much a guaranteed loss 9 times out of 10.

I don’t find it fun on offense or defense to be honest, driving a vehicle and pressing 1 button for 30+ minutes just isn’t my idea of fun. I sign up to bgs to PvP, not to fight PvE vehicles.

The wins are not really fun either. If it’s an offense win then the game ends in under 10 minutes, if it’s a defense win then the game quickly devolves into a 30-40 minute afk-fest as the enemy team afks out and/or gives up. So even with a winning defense team you spend 30+ minutes driving around a large, (mostly) empty map due to the enemy team giving up and the PvP almost completely dries up :man_facepalming:

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Wintergrasp has the sin of being counter intuitive. I maintain that Ashran is worse simply because it’s boring.

Honestly I think the solution for WG is something as simple as giving the attackers incentive to destroy those towers- something like a stacking buff that gives vehicles 5% more HP and deal 5% more damage.

But you are right about the tendency for games to snowball- you usually know exactly who’s going to win with about 5 or 10 minutes on the clock.