Wintergrasp is literal BS

It’s not just the tech, it’s the server populations that aren’t there.

When what 90+% of players are playing on faction stacked servers WG cannot function properly regardless of layering or whatever other excuse.

Oh for sure.

Glad they changed it in a positive way so everyone no matter their server gets to do it.

Dont know about properly, but that was the way back then as well. Which is why they capped it and it would teleport you out after so many people were there and also they had that stacking debuff to even things out. So it’d be nothing new, except they’re just lying through their teeth.

Didn’t you get like a tenacity buff if you were The underdogs?

Isn’t that how they tried to fix imbalanced servers?

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Yes they had a the tenacity buff and a queue to get in for the larger faction. And those worked okay when servers were at least some what balanced.

Looking at current servers they wouldn’t work in almost all cases.

Because of the raid. Remove the raid and most people in Faerlina wont give two shills about who holds WG. But then, neither will alliance most likely. Without the PvE carrot, the PvP stick has no meaning, which goes to show how important its original design actually was; i.e. not very much.

It has nothing to do with the raid. When the servers are so abysmally faction stacked you end up with 1 faction winning almost every match but most people never being able to get in and the other faction losing almost every single match.

Which does what? Nothing except… give you access to the raid. The other rewards are whatever, not worth waiting for the time of reset to be there. Its only due to the raid that the majority faction would care enough to kick the minority faction in the teeth over and over.

Decouple it from the raid and majority faction players will be raiding when WG timer comes around, ignore it because its worthless, and random loner wPvPers can go be irrelevant together where nobody cares.

If you remove cross realm, then what happens to the realms that are heavily one sided? Pagle is massively one sided to Alliance, do Horde players just suck it up?

Fair enough.

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WG has other rewards and achievements people go for beyond just the raid. And assuming the subset of people interested in those has the same ratio for each faction the same problem remains.

Not ‘people’ in general just a tiny fraction between completionists, collectors, too bored or bad for PvE or people that through some maladjustment in their personalities like world PvP.

assuming the subset of people interested in those has the same ratio for each faction the same problem remains.

If the amount is too low then there wont be a dominant majority every reset. WG isnt a daily ocurrence, it happens so often that if it werent for the raid access cycling new people in over and over it’d be deserted most of the day. Which it was back in the day once the raid became old trivial content.

Whenever this stuff happens usually theres a response team from the other side within 30 minutes.

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ACtually releasing 3.3 would not be the classic Lich King experience. That was my point earlier when I said that the game hasn’t been the true classic experience since launch.

On that point though, since its 3.3 guess ICC should be out, so everyone blasts through the content in 3 months then WOTLK dies shortly after.

I mean it’s a prog server y’all holding on for dear life for no reason.

But it is being released in post patch 3.3. So LFD should be in the game.

The 3.3 updates were QoL balances and updates. The justification is to offer the game in the best QoL status it was during WotLK expansion. LFD is a QoL update to the game. It didn’t add new content, simply made content more accessible. LFD is no different than the other QoL features added in 3.3+. No reason to withhold it from the game at launch then. Only justification behind it is either:
A) Blizz can’t get it to work with current client(which I doubt considering they are doing the same system for WG and do a similar system for BGs)
B) Are trying to sell the most boosts during the largest hype portion of the game(which makes the most sense considering the nerfs to player boosting, their only other competition).

Summary: I dont trust any of the dev team’s justifications for not adding LFD. I think they are disingenuous at best and untrustworthy at worst. The way they continue to put pride and greed before player feedback and fail to even communicate properly with their players makes me really want to just go to pservers or try out Final Fantasy 14 rather than give ActiBlizz my money/time as they pander to whale culture.

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Reroll can suck for those who aren’t into leveling. some like this, cool if so. I…don’t. but its tbc(c)!..yeah even as retailer convert I know this place well. a few 60 to 80’s were run here.

Being in classic has not vastly improved the place tbh. it took 50% buff to have me more accepting. 100 extra kills to get 10 items. Avg of extra 500XP for now…I will take the extra 50K xp.

I have been a server nomad. I know 1 to 30 well. it takes time to see a server when slow for your time…is really slow lol.

now grobb is home. its got people even in the hours I play which is US’ slower time. and its AH ain’t too bad.

I was not liking some AH prices to fix my lw up. I still had a 30 elsewhere swing by an AH for giggles on a less played server.

I stopped complaining about grobb prices. they were way better. take my 140 gold random AH sellers. I’d pay much more on other servers.

Anti RDF but somehow outraged at Wintergrasp changes. Talk about irony. Reap what you sow.

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