Wintergrasp is literal BS

We could go on and on about what the Classic Lich King experience included and didn’t include. It’s a pointless argument because most changes so far were either NEVER in the game, or they came later than launch.

Which means you’re against RDF - you want a new system in place, not RDF.

Id actually be okay with the old system if it released with ICC and stopped at level 58/68

At the moment, ICC is estimated to be in Phase 4 out 5; why stop RDF at 68 at that point? That doesn’t make any sense.

Zerg sr opener…hopefully gets better in classic. doubting it but I will keep fingers crossed.

some nights in retail I get a crew that does the BT to westpark to east park strat to string out the defenders for better shot a win. BT done right does work quite well.

but alas…you get 10+ knuckleheads who feed the kills and the defenders get rides. towers down…and its get farmed for 15 minutes till the end. Maybe you get some HK’s buy yeah…not really.

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Sure, but you are literally arguing that he is someone wanting the classic experience and saying thats contrary to not wanting RDF, when it isn’t. If anything, all the changes that ARE in the game would be contrary, this one isn’t.

And yes, the classic experience hasn’t been a proper thing since the launch of classic. Changes have turned this into an alternative version of each game. But carl wanting the classic lich king experience and wanting RDF removed at the start are one and the same.

This is as lame as the AV patch used in classic wow

No wonder priv servers getting popular again.


So one of my main complaints towards the launch thing is there gonna be literally like a million new players. I would rather Borean and Grizzly be full of life at launch rather than folks pushing “the button” to do WOTLK dungeons. Like going back and experiencing the zones is the true classic way. Grouping up for harder content, making friends. Thats how classic has always been. I have a full friendlist and message and get messages all the time everytime i leave or come back. The community aspect is truly important especially here on grobb.

That said, stopping at 58/68 would also keep those zones more open for grouping for new players joining over time and boosting a 70.

I agree with this decision.
If it wasn’t cross servers the lower pop servers would never get to step into WG and servers with insane faction imbalance would also never be able to touch it. I don’t see why this is an issue at all. I’m a huge fan of PVP always being cross server. I don’t like infinite queue times.

Also, add RDF.

edit: remove servers even and this won’t be a thing

Wait how did a thread on Wintergrasp turn into RDF?

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Im cool with megas and low pops, let grob be grobb.

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They are both related? Both are changes that have been made that the community is or isn’t against and changes that weren’t originally part of classic. That’s why RDF is being mentioned.

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Someone who says, “I don’t RDF in the game,” would be contradicting their statement of, “I want a Classic Lich King experience.”

Well that’s optimistic.

Regardless of if we had RDF at launch or not, we’d still see people out in the world - it’s called multi-tasking.

“The true Classic way” is subjective - most of my levelling in the original Lich King was done through dungeons because I was a tank and found groups fairly easily, and in all honesty, I hate questing. So, the true Classic way for me would be to run dungeons, not quest.

In the beginning of Classic, yeah, I could see this happening. Not anymore, though.

You fail to realize or acknowledge that most realms (I’d say close to 80-90% of them) have no community feel, and haven’t for a while.

It would be almost the END of the expansion. I guarantee you that people will not still be levelling up their VERY FIRST character by that time.

This is literally the point of my post.


You linked a comment that has literally nothing to do with community?

And you weren’t around in original LK when my server when alliance had 20 stacks of (buffs name I can’t remember).
WG was pointless.

These people chose to play on this hamster wheel content grinding servers instead of playing on servers that were more true to classic. Half the people on grobb are here cus thats what we want. I been here since day 1. I got the name Carl for christ sake. Why do all the people ive met and played with since day 1 gotta do wintergrasp with you guys when we have a completely viable server for wintergrasp. If you guys wanted WPVP you would be here anyway.

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Yeah, because players know how servers are gonna end up, right?

Not a huge accomplishment - many people reserved names across several realms when name reservations opened up.

Probably because if they excluded you, and then your server population diminished, you guys would complain and ask to be added in. Also, it’s probably a lot of work to do that.

I don’t care about World PvP.

Some wanted to see that.

as yeah…we already have instanced WG in the other wow.

Not going to lie…this has me going more towards to strands even if unbalanced. Never saw it to know why…I will soon.

pretty sure the matchmaker for this will be hosed. I know how WG ends when you get 2 real healers and the other side 6. You are probably losing. faceplant kicked while down on the ground style.

So you shouldnt care about WG. Whens the last time you had a good battle in Halaa? Cus over here its popping daily.

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Umm, sure I should, considering it’s a prerequisite to joining a raid?