Wintergrasp is literal BS

Ok im literally done even trying lol, beyond all logic and reasoning. People cant actually read what im saying

Wibtergrasp had a player cap. Even on grob with a decent balance ratio the chances of you actually getting into a game is nil.


And I responded to your point,

Its hard to compare ff14 keeping servers at similar numbers, to a game having yo balance numbers, factions, racials, and no crossplay

Yes this is true, but ultimately players had to go out of their way to create faction imbalanced servers to the point where almost every server is single faction.

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How? Its an open world zone, no different than the TBC towers.

My guess is that layering gets wonky with regards to dungeon access. Which could’ve been simply solved by decoupling WG from access to the raid. Easy solution.

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It really has nothing to do with layering. Most servers simply can’t support a decent WG, to an even worse degree than back in the day.

From Blizzard’s post:

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Yea the tech just isn’t there.

People gonna be mad because they think their server is special because they got 70s camping people in level 30 zones…

I guess that’s the wpvp experience they want and cherish.

It’s not just the tech, it’s the server populations that aren’t there.

When what 90+% of players are playing on faction stacked servers WG cannot function properly regardless of layering or whatever other excuse.

Oh for sure.

Glad they changed it in a positive way so everyone no matter their server gets to do it.

Dont know about properly, but that was the way back then as well. Which is why they capped it and it would teleport you out after so many people were there and also they had that stacking debuff to even things out. So it’d be nothing new, except they’re just lying through their teeth.

Didn’t you get like a tenacity buff if you were The underdogs?

Isn’t that how they tried to fix imbalanced servers?

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Yes they had a the tenacity buff and a queue to get in for the larger faction. And those worked okay when servers were at least some what balanced.

Looking at current servers they wouldn’t work in almost all cases.

Because of the raid. Remove the raid and most people in Faerlina wont give two shills about who holds WG. But then, neither will alliance most likely. Without the PvE carrot, the PvP stick has no meaning, which goes to show how important its original design actually was; i.e. not very much.

It has nothing to do with the raid. When the servers are so abysmally faction stacked you end up with 1 faction winning almost every match but most people never being able to get in and the other faction losing almost every single match.

Which does what? Nothing except… give you access to the raid. The other rewards are whatever, not worth waiting for the time of reset to be there. Its only due to the raid that the majority faction would care enough to kick the minority faction in the teeth over and over.

Decouple it from the raid and majority faction players will be raiding when WG timer comes around, ignore it because its worthless, and random loner wPvPers can go be irrelevant together where nobody cares.

If you remove cross realm, then what happens to the realms that are heavily one sided? Pagle is massively one sided to Alliance, do Horde players just suck it up?

Fair enough.

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WG has other rewards and achievements people go for beyond just the raid. And assuming the subset of people interested in those has the same ratio for each faction the same problem remains.

Not ‘people’ in general just a tiny fraction between completionists, collectors, too bored or bad for PvE or people that through some maladjustment in their personalities like world PvP.

assuming the subset of people interested in those has the same ratio for each faction the same problem remains.

If the amount is too low then there wont be a dominant majority every reset. WG isnt a daily ocurrence, it happens so often that if it werent for the raid access cycling new people in over and over it’d be deserted most of the day. Which it was back in the day once the raid became old trivial content.

Whenever this stuff happens usually theres a response team from the other side within 30 minutes.

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