Shamans: Ele will have elemental fury, lightning mastery, chain lightning, and elemental mastery. They will be globaling ppl. Resto shaman will have chain heal, and rumor has it they might get a riptide rune. All shams will have grounding, windfury. Dont sleep on Enhancement either. This is going to be one of the best classes in phase 2.
Rogues: Cheap, kidney, blind, prep. Good dagger. Slaughter rune. Get ready to die in a stunlock. Word is they might get a cloak of shadows rune.
Frost Mages: 5/5 shatter, 5/5 ice shards, boom. Rune ice lance and FoF and its GG. The water ele pet has been datamined… keep that in mind .
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Shamans aren’t beating locks.
They will be strong though.
Druid is the winner of P2 PVP. They have crazy tools and STEALTH.
Not sure how you can be amazing in PVP without stealth.
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I definitely see Overload rune getting taken back to 20-30% chance once Elemental has it’s talents.
Not only is Ele going to receive hunter levels of complaints in PvP at 40, but they will start really blasting meters too, provided half of gnomer isn’t immune to nature damage due to being mechanical.
Im hoping we get our time in the Sun as the OP spec, but what goes up must come down.
Bold of y’all to proclaim winners before seeing what new runes and whacky balance could arrive in P2.
For all you know, it could be Wind Serpent Hunter again lol, this time with Bestial Wrath so you can’t fear or stop the pet.
Play a lock in world PVP and report back how many times you get dumpstered by melee.
Lock sucks in any PVP besides 1v1 duels.
Melee destroy you unless you go meta.
Stealth classes will be best open world PVP like always because STEALTH is the most broken ability in WOW.
If you think hunter pets are strong now, wait til we get intimidation and bestial wrath to make them CC immune. We also get mail armor, feign death, explosive traps etc. P2 is the rise of the hunter
No one is going BM in P2.
You can’t cast beastial wrath in eyes of the beast. It breaks the connection.
No one is going BM.
Only noobs go BM. Marksman or surivial are the proper PVP specs.
Your broken pet will not do anything in P2 when classes have all of their abilities.
Mages will have ice barrier, block, etc. Your pet will be useless.
My shaman doesn’t have stealth and bodies rogues.
They actually can’t hit me or do anything.
Shield, shield mastery, flame shock them to death. I have 2k armor and it gets higher Everytime I block…
Can’t kite me. GG EZ
We don’t know what runes they’ll have in store that will upset all your plans.
Marksman counters rogues yes, unless you are pulling mobs and low health and a stealth class opens on you.
Stealth is the number 1 most broken ability in the entire game and it’s not even close.
Being able to choose your fights and when you want to fight is the most important thing in world PVP.
You can’t camp stealth classes.
No you can’t.
Trust me you can’t camp a rogue or a druid.
I’ve had entire raid groups trying to find me in classic on rogue and they can’t.
No one is camping me on a rogue.
It’s simply not happening. I can rez in a huge radius from my body and vanish and you will never see me.
I can also kill people right in front of you and vanish and you can’t find me.
Stealth is the most broken ability there is.
One of the funnest things to do in classic was sap 60s trying to protect lowbies and killing the lowbies right in front of them.
Very satisfying.
Demo shout, blizzard, arcane explosion, flare…
Sure you can dodge but good players will find you
Oh gosh, good thing I have prep and a 2nd vanish.
I’ve never been camped. On 6 rogues. It’s not going to happen.
You are a forum keyboard warrior.
You don’t PVP.
rogues for sure will be insane, shamans likely but in PvP TTK is probably going to be outrageous across the board so hard casting may have problems.
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Earth shield will probably find it’s uses I’m sure.
Granted Snutz is above even the .1% of pvprs. But watch him dumper 1vX while playing none meta build. A good lock is still super strong and they have the tools to take on multiple targets. Good luck if they use a fap or lip (lip is going to be available next phase?).
Track Hidden is not used enough by hunters. I can see rogues/stealthers coming at me from 10 yards away.
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