Winners of Phase 2 (PvP)

While you are leveling, with mobs on you, and a rogue or druid opens on you and kills you remember you should have gotten gud.

He’s like the best WOW PVPer to ever play.

Locks get dumpsterd by melee in open world and BGs unless you are an insane tournament winning PVPer which you aren’t and almost no one is.

Stop pretending you are.

Didn’t you make a thread a while back boasting how unstoppable locks were going to be in p2?


They are unstoppable in 1v1.

That was my point. In duels.

I never said world PVP.

Idk i’m paladin, try to do this with me and i Will send you to durotar again.

And thats not amazing, You got exposed like a coward last hitter in stealth.

Paladins lose to druid which is why i’m going druid

It has stealth and destroys paladins and now rogues in SoD.

Rogues are gonna lose to druids like crazy in P2.

Druid hard counters paladin with the added damage buffs druids received in SoD.

Rogue is gonna struggle against a lot of classes it used to win against easily. SoD is not the time for rogues.

Druids on the other hand. :slight_smile:

LOL. You’re only playing feral with sunfire vs meelee as You said in another post. You think that is a counter? Next phase paladins and every melee have mounts, when paladins get to You in mounts You Will be instant deleted

Yes I think it is a counter.

I’ve killed a ton of paladins with raid gear. I don’t have raid gear.

So yes, I think it works well. :slight_smile:

I also use starsurge and moonfire when necessary or when I shift.

I have plenty of damage.

Damage is not a problem.

My sunfire hits for over 100 and i don’t have raid gear. I can sunfire 4 times on opener. Do the math lil bro. Energy never runs out.

You aren’t doing any damage to me. I dont’ need mega burst. I just need constant dps. You can’t catch me.


Read this ^^^^^



You’ll get it eventually bro. I have faith in you to understand the situation.

melee hunter still hoping for better stuff :frowning:

oh and hopefully some shockadin runes.

The only thing i understand from what You’re saying is : “when the sunfire meta vs meelee ends i Will be the worst druid in the world and re roll because i’m not good in this class but a sunfire spammer”.

You’re a free kill in bgs, and when Avenger shield was op i’m pretty dure You were crying about it. :rofl:

Why do you think sunfire meta will end?

It scales with level and AP.

I can get 80% crit on it in P2 with talents.

Why would sunfire be bad, ever?

You sound really cocky…but you aint lying and thats triggering lol.

Guy arguing back is talking about all the potential counters, which a real pvper will know in practice, is not effective.

If rogues get cloak as well, its pretty much GG for most people open world. I will legit roll a rogue alt at that point.

Druid counters paladin in P2.

I have a instant cast, scaling damage ability which also has 80% crit AND COST NO MANA.

Explain how you can win?

I can cast this literally forever in cat form.

You can never catch me. I have cheetah. If you do I have dire bear to mitigate damage. I have war stomp.

I have innervate.

You can not win as a paladin.

YOu can’t. No shot.

Oh I also have the chest which gives me like 25% damage reduction in dire bear.

Oh and druid trinket removes STUN.

Check mate. Stun me with your HOJ. I just trinket it :slight_smile:

Can’t wait for Phase 2 Hunter’s Nerfs

2 more words: Whirlwind Axe.

so… the “unbeatable” guy was crying for nerf. LOL.

plus whatever other epic 2 handers get added to the loot tables in phase 2

Shamans will beat locks what are you talking about???

WW axes isnt even that much better than the current epic 2h sword from BFD. You just think its bc it was good before they added the current epics into BFD.

No they won’t.

No one talking about shadow priests? I guess losing form for penance will be rough….