i read your post and agree with you, so dont take this the wrong way but…
who cares? who cares what the devs intended? all that matters is what we have to work with.
you cant drop all those talents listed because they offer SO MUCH POWER. they really want you to take a slingshot next to the neighboring F/A18?
designing that antithetically would not just be incompetent but irresponsible. so i hope thats just a speculative consequence and not the actual thought process they used.
like you said, if they wanted to experiment with how to add value, they need to do it at a base level first via core skills and talents.
tier is a tack on system and can only work alongside the underlying class philosophy and gameplay – the mastery fundamentally is not conducive to jamming extra globals into an already full rotation, especially on an rng basis unless theyre high prio skills… and that would blow out the burst profile entirely so ends up a dead starter.
heck with xbg, im clipping fof pretty regularly just because i know i can squeeze extra rsks with big crit (st) for faster and better squeeze. demanding a low value proc skill as a hook? its not attractive or fun but a friction of “well… now i have this ig and have to weave it between prio skills and totm stacking”.
(fwiw i feel totm is a horrible mistake because of how it cannibalizes the chi expenditure apl, but to quote blizzard on why they double down on bad ideas, “some people like it”)