Windrunner Reconciliation?

Nothing says romantic getaway like ye olde Ghostlands

:ghost: :ocean: :ghost: :ocean:


This is just an ignorant comment.

Vereesa has shown up in: Wrath, Cata, Mists, Legion, BfA, Shadowlands.

She has also been a major player in 2 of the novel. Most faction leaders would be lucky to be Vereesa. She was also part of the Warcrimes novel.

Vereesa is the stand in for the high elves. She is probably the closest thing to a leader they have.

Also, as the person who chose her kids over Sylvanas(and consequently prevented her own assasination attempt of Garrosh). She has been instrumental in shaping Warcraft lore, in fact, I would say she SHAPE Sylvanas’ fate.


i agree we need a windrunner sisters reunion.

Vareesa could, but not Alleria as her connection to the Void reacts badly with the Sun Well (as shown in the Nightborne Allied Race quest).

Damn that last one is a big statement, which I won’t touch.

We have seen several concepts of leader-like individuals for high elf exiles, like Auric Sunchaser. There are several scattered groups here and there, Vereesa just leads one of them, which is a military arm (and truth be told have barely been heard of since, because their original purpose is all but faded away. They don’t even have an enclave in Dalaran anymore).

Truth be told from what we saw…it seems the elves have seen Alleria as more of a leader in this regard. She’s legendary among the people, Lor’themar says so himself.

Even in the latest info of them in the comic, it was focused on Alleria and Sylvanas. Vereesa was there to show her sadness at what was happening and just to move the story further along.

Same when Alleria was re-introduced. Vereesa was used to help find her bow and then later bring Alleria up to speed.

When Sylvanas was being sentenced to the maw? Vereesa was standing there to represent the idea of emotional sadness for her sister.

It really isn’t much…

But that is the thing. Even back in MoP, Golden was already saying Warcrimes would give us a hint as to Sylvanas future. And suffice to say, Vereesa turning her back on Sylvanas was probably the last nail in Sylvanas’ preverbial morality/happiness.

And lucky for Vereesa, otherwise she(and maybe her kids) would have been turned into undead abominations.

This is all very sweet, but I like it when the elves are fighting. It’s sort of our whole thing.


“War” elves the next iteration.

I’m afraid ‘Shadowlands’ butchered lore in the following departments:

  • Titans
  • The Legion
  • The void
  • The light
  • The Scourge & Arthas
  • Wild Gods & Loa
  • Spirituality (That’s also including - All racial spirituality & mysticism, like with the Tauren identity or the Night Elves with Elune)
  • Azerothian History
  • and yes — The Windrunners.

(I probably missed a bunch more, but you get the drift) – So sadly any formerly good or decent lore that we use to love & adore coming back with a good story alongside with some intriguing content & development – Is rather slim …

When the writers either:

  • Retcon a large majority of Shadowlands,
  • Add various lore that reflects what the denizens & ‘Eternals’ of Shadowlands believed was true, was in fact false or misconceived. (Eg. showing the Shadowlands acts as a ‘cap’ to the true afterlife, to prevent necromatic forces reaching too far).
  • or simply reverse the big retcons & changes made to lore through Shadowlands, which was merely used to boost up the Jailor (Heck, even call him out as a liar through Denathrius in an attempt to demoralise Azerothian adventurers at the time) would be ideal.

Then the story will probably have keener interest. However the sad factor is, despite how much “We’ll just ignore Shadowlands” copium we try to snort – It still exists to the devs, and they’ll continue to build the story on that rotten foundation … So ~ :beers: Here’s to hoping they wake up and do what’s good for the storyline — And in turn, the game itself.

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Better idea: we forget the elves and those sad excuses for story characters even exist.

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oh look its the hate train right on schedule.


Yes, yes. Peace is the way. Unity between the elves, very good. Don’t worry, void elves I’ve already packed your bags. Well. Bye bye. Have a safe trip back to Silvermoon.

Leave the keys by the door on your way out.

Vereesa was the Alliance elf lady who inexplicably appeared out of nowhere and was giving us quests on Argus, right?

At a time when there were no Horde NPC’s to be seen anywhere, except Aethas Sunreaver who hid in the basement and gave 1 quest (the muffin thief).

So more of her?

No thanks.

I’d rather the writers remember that the Horde exists.

But this thread is a terrific example of why cross-faction is terrible for the game and needs to stop. Because all it ever turns into is “let’s spend EVEN MORE TIME talking about Alliance characters - even though the game is 95% about the Alliance already”.


no that was alleria. she’s been in the game since warcraft ii. and yep this thread is now gonna turn into a alleria hate train. people in wow be all uppity and stuck up and just mindlessly hate on windrunners for no reason.

People are definitely not normal when it comes to the female characters in WoW, that’s for sure. Especially those three.

I just greatly dislike 1. And there is a specific reason.


It was definitely vereesa.

(They were BOTH there, of course, because Legion turned this even more fully into an “everything is centered on the Alliance” game.)


Not having the Orcs deeply involved in the fall of Kil’jeaden is kind of like not having Thrall present for a story that decides the next aspect of the black dragonfight.

I’m not sayin’ Thrall should have been the aspect, but he was the last guy to do the job. He was also The World Shaman and taking up that mantle kind of sort of ruined his life. He should have weighed in on the matter in some capacity.

As for Argus it should have been one big muscly blue draenei arm, and one big muscly green orc arm doing that Arnold meme handshake before loading on a space ship to Argus and kicking demons til they pooped teeth.

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veressa doesnt have a child. alleria was the one giving quests wasn’t she?

i mean sylvanas has some reason but that more writers fault because they can’t write her good.

Who said anything about a child?

What I said was:

Like this:

(Also Vereesa had 2 kids with Rhonin. The entire reason Vereesa was created was because Richard Knaak is a weirdo with an elf/human fetish.)